A newbie just wanted to say Hi


Well-known member
Hiya Beautiful Soul :D

Anyone you'd like to star with if you had the chance?

black_mamba said:
Currently Mysti is going to be jumping though a ground floor sugar-glass window
ground floor? *sigh of relief* thank goodness for that - haven't been getting far with my flying lessons.

So mamba how about you. Who would your ideal leading man be? :D


Well-known member
*thinks hard*

I don't think I've ever had a crush on a celebrity before.

*thinks some more*

Nope, can't think of anyone apart from my boyfriend who I'd like to stare alongside. If I had to choose an actor, I'd go for a female sidekick - Uma Thurman (yes yes, how typical for a Kill Bill fan).

Flying lessons huh? 8O Have you sprouted some wings recently?


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
I don't think I've ever had a crush on a celebrity before.
Seriously? lol darn don't I feel like the overzealous celeb groupie now
- I can honestly say I'm not one of these psycho, screaming, squealing whilst jumping up and down nutty fans like some, the restraining order was merely coincidental.

sidekick - Uma Thurman (yes yes, how typical for a Kill Bill fan).
lol nah she rocks! I don't think I've seen her in a film I didn't like.
I can't think of a fav female actress for me. There are so many actors I admire, would be a case of pulling out a name from a hat.

Flying lessons huh? 8O Have you sprouted some wings recently?
um wings? *slaps forehead* darn it! knew I forgot something!


Well-known member
Kill Bill - *mops up gore*

lol well you guys weren't kidding about the violence in Kill Bill were you? 8O As I sure you can guess I rented it- it was good, I enjoyed it but would have preferred a bit more plot and less limb lopping so I'll wait for the 2nd to come to sky movies, and see if that's a bit more my style. It was so different than I was expecting, I would actually need to watch it a second time to pick up bits I might have missed. The cartoon scenes were really gross I think they touched a nerve with me more that the blood bath scene near the end (killing Lucy Liu's possy)
I must say despite it not being something I'd usually go for the effects and fight scenes were fantastic. Question though I couldn't hear what Bill said at the end - did he tell the secretary that Uma's baby was still alive? 8O

Anyhoo hope things with everybody are ok and enjoying the current sunshine whilst it lasts :D laterz


New member
Hello, my name is Marta,I have panic atacks since 12 years ago,the only thing I can say is that the more lonely I feel the better I control my panic,and then I feel still more alone,so I have the sensation that I will never live life again,but like a voyeur.


Hiya marta sorry to hear you have been suffering for 12 years and welcome to the forum :)

Hey Mysti
*Dan votes for more limb lopping and less plot*
Glad you enjoyed it through, to be honest the only thing that bothered me about the violence was the fact that all the nice girls like Lucy Lui got killed...... MmmMMmm... Lucy Liu *drifts off dreaming about girlies*

:oops: ... hehe, anyways yeah i agree the cartoon bit was a little wierd and as for what the secratary question..... i honestly cant remember,guess you will have to watch the 2nd one :wink:

(edit) Actualy umm yeah at the end of the first one you do get told the baby is still alive(just remembered!) :oops:


Well-known member
The sequal will certainly be more to your taste then, Mysti. Yeah Bill does say that her baby is still alive at the end. Woohoo what a cliffhanger :p

Aw I love the fact that most of the violence in Kill Bill was carried out by women - its a rare and beautiful thing. 8O


New member
Thankyou Danfalc for your wellcome.Do you have also panic attacks?.If it is so I hope it happened for short time and youre getting much better.Sorry for my English, is not very proper.I hope yu had a nice day today.thanks again.Marta.


Well-known member
Hi marta welcome to the site :D

back_mamba said:
The sequal will certainly be more to your taste then, Mysti. Yeah Bill does say that her baby is still alive at the end. Woohoo what a cliffhanger
oooo the plot thickens. Thanks for the info with that - cat picked an unfortunate moment to start crunching on his kitty biscuits, even when I rewound the tape still couldn't hear hehe. I'll definitely look out for the sequel then I am intrigued.

*bounces up and down* LOTR return of the king will be on tv 27th I'm excited :D

danfalc said:
MmmMMmm... Lucy Liu *drifts off dreaming about girlies*
lol did you ever watch her during her Ally Mcbeal years? She looked so pretty with her long hair *gets jealous* would love hair like that


Well-known member
Well you saw the end of Kill Bill 1? Lucy gets her hair and scalp chopped off.
So...for the right price, I will go to Japan and retrieve her hair for you Mysti. :D


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
Well you saw the end of Kill Bill 1? Lucy gets her hair and scalp chopped off.
So...for the right price, I will go to Japan and retrieve her hair for you Mysti.
8O eweeeeee *runs away screaming*

I think I'll stick with my unruly mop of 'just fell through a hedge backwards' hair, thanks for the thought though *shudders*

Plus head and shoulders can only do so much for a flaky scalp, how would I have washed it? :lol: ok I have a sick sense of humor - don't mind me *crawls back under stone*