Your thoughts please


Well-known member
Hello. I'd like to hear from all of you why you think that some people struggle massively with depression and anxiety, and some people never experience a day of this in their lives.

My personal take is that like any illness it is random and could happen to anyone. Also I think genes and the way we were raised play a significant role. Looking forward to hearing from you all.


Well-known member
Learn to live with it!Assume that it's a part of you!

I think its reason is not important if we have this illness for a long time.We can not solve a chronic illness without a pschiatrist help.Doctors are interested with its reasons but not me!
If it is a chronic ilness, people must learn to how to live it I think...


Well-known member
I think it devolops in childhood.
Im no expert but i dont think its a disease rather it is in the mind exspecially with anxiety anyway.


Well-known member
Also I think genes and the way we were raised play a significant role.

I agree. But the world has a lot to do with it. Some people can shrug off what others do to them and some can't, and maybe that's the root of it all. But some people attract negative attention for no good reason, too. Or just meet a lot of mean people.

And it's made much, much worse because nobody understands. Social anxiety is too easy to ignore for people who don't have it. Socially anxious people are the quiet ones, the ones that usually don't make trouble. Not like ADD. That's the exact opposite, and look how much attention those people are getting while most of the world doesn't know about social phobia!


Well-known member
Highly sensitive people! (HSP) I am reading a really interesting book called "the highly sensitive person how to survive when the world overwhelms you" By Elaine N.Aron
I can relate to it alot goes along the belief that one in 5 of us are born with hightened sensitivity to the world sp being part of that...I would recremend it, has some good tips for coping in situations. :)


Well-known member
coping mechanism from percieved attacks in childhood which have become internalised into your personality, but are no longer useful and preasent themselves as a anxiety disorder. hence the internal conflict (bit of freud for ya). but like any habbit and can be undone.