Work - a waste of our lifetime!


Well-known member
I thought I would have a rant about work just before I go to bed on this sunday night. People on death row have more motivation than me when it comes to work and to be honest I don't think switching jobs would help, unless I found a dream job like a travel writer or something really exciting.

Isn't work the biggest waste of our time ever. I mean tomorrow I could be anywhere in the world doing anything I liked, but instead I will be in the same old office, behind the same old desk, surrounded by the same old people who in the whole all I have in common with is the carpet we walk on.

I know we all have to work to make the world go round, but if only we could find a way to be rich we could escape it all and live the most amazing life. I wish I wish I wish!

I hate getting up early for work, especially on winter mornings. I hate those handful of annoying colleagues who were put on this earth to annoy co-workers, I am sure you must have one or two where you work who just so awkward and feel like you have to walk on egg shells around them. I mean I am easy going and never annoy anyone, but there are people who annoy me. I hate the boring work, I hate wasting the best days of my life bored senseless. I hate it when you have to do things you don't want to do - like you are made to go on a course, etc. I hate work!

Well that is my rant over. Does anyone else feel the same? :D

Have a good week everyone! Should be fun with xmas coming, its more relaxed and easy going! Why can't it always be like that though?


Well-known member
unless you love your job to the core the alternative can be alot like a jail sentence only your paid for it .....the 9-5 office job being stuck in ground hog day is not an appetising thought huh?!

some people get lucky and have rich parents/family can study at university their entire lives and work at what they love, others are motivated from the get go and find their dream job after college, some people end up in a musical band and are paid to tour the world and play music for a few hours a week in front of their fans and are paid from the roylaties of album sales and promotion ..they get alot of spare time to travel and work their way, others are lucky and free-lance to their watches and earn alot from it.

my advice is to pursue the career or your dream job even if its at the lower run of the ladder, stop what your doing and do all you can to seek out your passion

so i think the 9-5 office job which i will be faced with this year seems like a future in Hell.

the alternative is to live on the streets :roll:


Well-known member
think,plan and act.

I understand what you are saying and we spend most of our lives working for food and shelter. Then one day we retire and are feeling tired and burnt out...our youth spent and the things that once interested you are not so interesting anymore. Really tho, if you are sick and tired of your job, your home life, your car, neighbourhood, the people you assosciate with....isnt it up to you to change your routine and take the steps to do things that make you happy in life? ITS easy to stay trapped in our comfort zone and bitch about all the things we dont like about ourselves and life in general. With effort you and i can change by taking risks that might get you where you want to be. It is all in the mind, all the fears that hold us back from attaining and acheiving all we want from life. James Brown sung it best---''dont nobody open the door for me, i'll get it myself''. Many people (including myself) have to constantly watch their thoughts, flood your mind with positive and optimistic thinking and to believe you deserve the best as much as the next person...and think of ways of to what you want. It serves no purpose to just fantasize on how you wish life should be, you just piss away time and get bitter.


Well-known member
Both good replies. It must be amazing to live a life that is made so exciting by your job. My Grandma loved her job as a journalist where she would travel the country writing stories. Even nowadays 20 years after she retired she loves to talk about her fantastic days of work. Blimey, if I was to talk about my job I would be recalling the exciting packed lunches I used to make.

Savage - cool mail. There are a few things though that I am not sure I mentioned. I was talking to a good friend over the weekend and we both said we are in the same place as this time last year, which is not good when we want so much more in life. But we both agreed that we are in the comfort zone, life is so easy - we both live in nice houses, we both have nice cars, our job is so easy and hassle free yet it pays enough to live the lifestyle we lead. We both spend money on nice clothes, nice foods, etc, etc. Even though I have no social life which is a shame, my life out of work is so pleasant and easy going. I never get bored or depressed. And this is the problem, how do you get motivated to make changes when life is so easy and hassle free. I know that may sound nice and I should feel lucky, which I do, but a boring job, no social life, no girlfriend, etc - its hardly that good.

I have always kind of thought I will make the necessary moves when I feel ready - i.e. overcome SA. i.e. If I made the move from my job or went to new social things, I was to enjoy it and make the most of it, rather than be crapping myself. Its a tricky one.


Well im not working, because I have school for like 5months or something and then I go working as "Telecommunications" and "Electronic". So
computer codeing in other words.

I was thinking the same.
Everyday same work, some people, same waste of time and thouse stupid winters and darkness :( Hate it all! :).

But I thought that when I go fulltime job I will get alternative job like bartender (I always wanted to be) and I will do that job on weekends @ night :). When I get lots of money I will go travel like for 6months or something :p. Thats how I was thinking escapeing everything.


Well-known member
I've tried to think of a job that would make me happy. I haven't been able to come up with an answer yet. Something like investing maybe...


Well-known member
DO NOT!! try get a job for somthing you like, it will only make you hate what you like.

If you start doing your hobby as a job and have to from 9-5 everyday you will grow to hate it!


Well-known member
Well another day done and dusted at work. Another day that will be soon forgotton and nothing remembered. Another day that misses out on a mention in my memoirs later in life. Waste of a day?

All I can remember from my day was that I dropped tomato ketchup on my trousers when eating a sausage sandwich.

I think its time to go back to the drawing board!


Well-known member
Re: think,plan and act.

savage_beagle said:
...we spend most of our lives working for food and shelter. Then one day we retire and are feeling tired and burnt out...

I agree. We all wanna try to beat the system.

This is exactly why it's so very important that you save save save, live below your means, invest wisely (know your risk level and don't get greedy), and say farewell to your employer once you have enough.

What's enough depends on your lifestyle. I live frugally, and can get away with far less than conventional wisdom says. The only way you'll know what's enough for you is to carefully spreadsheet your own situation - it's not intuitive and the bank can't help you - they want you to work longer and make more from your money.

Regardless of your age, one of your long-term goals should be retirement. Unless of course you really really LOVE your job - in which case you should work till you drop :)

Step #1 Learn Excel!


well i can totally relate. I had my first job out of college for 6 months and now ive been uneployed for about 6 months now. I can say that I hated work with a passion for the same reasons as you. However, now that I'm unemployed ive pretty much completely broken off from society. I interact with almost no one. Sometimes I see some neat things that I'd like to have but I don't feel justified spending money when I'm not making any. All my friends have jobs or are in school progressing their lives in some way while I have degenerated into a lazy bum. When I was working I would exersize more, I would enjoy my free time more, and I felt a lot more confident and more energetic. All in all, I think it's a tough call between having a job and unemployment. I think the best thing to do is make friends with the people at work - there's no point in going through life hating everything.