Why do I get nervous around people


Well-known member
Some one told me I had blushing problem. its like this when I get nervous I smile the say way some one who blush. I wouldnt call my condition blush because my cheeks dont change colors. what iys it called

I cant help it. some people tell me well just stop getting nervous then. If it was that easy then i would have a problem. I cant help it Im not sure what its called. this may be a joke to people back for me iot been 8 years of hold backs
Yeah, "stop being nervous." That will never help nor work. It is not as simple as that. If it was we wouldn't be here.

I don't know what it's called either.

You do not call it blushing. No colour change. I am not sure.

You may get nervous around people by the same reasons a lot around here do. I still do but I am gaining control of AvPD.
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