what has helped me so far...and what I am trying now


I used to have SA so bad that I wouldn't leave my mother's house or even answer the phone. Now (at 31!) I am finally able to hold a job and have my own place. I still have a long way to go - still don't have any real friends or feel confident enough to date, but I thought I would share some of the things that have helped me make some progress.

First I stopped taking the medications I was on. I am certainly not saying this is for everybody, or that they don't help, but in my case I realized that I had come to think that the drugs were going to fix everything by themselves. (and they obviously weren't as I had been on them for years) Also lost trust in my doctor when I found out that one of the new medications he had me on had a lot of potential dangerous side effects that he hadn't even told me about. I had even told him that I was feeling better the day he prescribed the new drug for me!!

Next I went back to college. I spent the first two years just going to class and going home without talking to anyone, but it got me out of the house.
Then I began to push myself to do things i was nervous about, liking joining an academic club, talking to classmates, and finally getting a part-time job. The job is still difficult sometimes because I have to deal with a lot of customers but I think it is helping me.

I also tried some CBT on my own - just realizing how many thoughts i have that aren't necessarily true - everyone is probably not looking at me and thinking that I am wierd or whatever. I am slowly learning to question these thoughts and assumptions.

I think SA is particularily hard to overcome because it becomes a part of your identity and getting over it means losing a part of yourself which is kind of scary, even if it is a part you don't like. Also I becomes what people expect of you, and it is all too easy to fall back into that role. In my case my family still treats me as if I haven't make any progress at all and I think it is going to take a long time to convince them that I have changed.

So now....
I am still trying CBT. I found a free online course at http://moodgym.anu.edu.au/welcome that I am going to try. Also looking into ACT as it sounds similiar to Buddhist meditation which my brother says has helped his anxiety.

I'm also seeing a school counselor, and I am going to try a group for social anxiety and shyness that I found via meetup.com. I'm hoping maybe I can then try to join some other non SA groups.

I hope something in here helps someone. To any complete shut-ins like i was, please do something to just get out of the house regularly even if you don't speak to anyone - don't let SA steal half your life like i did. And it does get easier eventually!!


Well-known member
Thanks for this, as the prev poster said it was inspiring. And 31 is a better age to come out of it than say 50, or something. (any age is good, don't get me wrong but...).

I have a job as well and am working on getting my own place (saving up the money, getting a higher paying job to support myself, etc). I don't want to let my anxiety rule me.


Well-known member
I'm so glad you posted this. Please stay on this site, and tell people what you've learned. We need to hear about hope from someone who is actually getting better. It's wonderful for us to hear that things can get better.


Well-known member
Yeah, medication won't magically solve all your problems. GOing through CBT and pushing yourself to do stuff is the first step. Once you start that, you'll notice it's easier to fit in and get used to your new setting with the help of meds.