victim mentality


Well-known member
I feel like I'm developing a victim mentality.

Why? Because it's easy. Because it feels good. It feels good to blame other people for my problems. It feels good to never be in the wrong. It feels good to think other people are putting up barriers. I feel important when I give into thinking this way. With so many people and things out to get me, how can I not be important?

But these feelings are all a drug. The momentary rush of pleasure that comes from blaming others soon fades, and I'm left with only resentment and anger. And so I go looking for my next fix. Who can I blame today? My parents? My genes? God? Will this continue until I have nothing left but blame in heart? How do I break free? How do any of us?


Well-known member
the KEY to your success is to forgive everyone and completely love, accept and forgive can CHOOSE to not be a victim and I just picked up on what you are believing already which can be changed ... 1) you are not important 2) everyone is out to get you 3) you are inferior to everyone 4) you must be right 5) you must prove your self worth to others ALL OF THESE BELIEFS will put you in a victim mentality and your defense mechanism is of course to blame other people and make yourself appear superior (this defense mechanism is there because you are covering up your horrible beliefs about urself)