Unable to respond?


This has been giving me trouble lately, not because it is getting worse but rather because I've been more exposed to it. I don't want to complain about it but rather to try and understand it and see if anybody else here has similar issues.

Today I had to have an interview with a lady who was essentially a career counsellor. I managed to get through questions concerning my basic personal details - name, age, address - without any more distress than usual, but the moment the time came for a more elaborate form of response I was paralysed. She asked me what subjects I had completed in high school and I couldn't tell her; I just sat there freaking out because I couldn't think of them, even though the moment I was out of the situation they were immediately in my head as clearly as my name was. Yet in that situation I couldn't access any information that wasn't extremely simple, and this happens all the time; if I am asked a question I either say "I don't know" or I mumble or I rush out a long sentence of absolutely no real meaning full of things like "and um" and "er yeah" (if I'm trying especially hard!)

It's just crazy; I can't respond to anything; I imagine even if someone walked up and proceeded to insult me or attack me I wouldn't be able to respond.

I'm sorry if this topic has been discussed before or if it seems silly. I was just wondering if anybody else feels like this; like your head goes into a white fog or a black hole and you just can't respond to people unless the questions are automatic (eg. "What's your name?" etc.) And maybe if anybody has any ideas as to what causes it?

Thanks for reading. :):)


Well-known member
yes. my anxiety is so overwhelming i usually find i can't form relevant, coherant thought on the spot. my mind is so consumed with trying to make my eye contact seem normal, supressing my fidgeting, simulating normal/appropriate mannerisms and body language that i can't focus on what is actually being said.

also my mind can lag while i am considering the ramifications of what they were previously talking about. then when they expect response on a new subject they have moved onto i look lost. they stare at me waiting for me to mentally catch up. all the time.


That's what happen to me every time the teacher calls me out in front of the class. Either i repeat the question or say something really retarded. But she is a Interpersonal Instructor so I assume that understands me better than i understand myself.