Trapped. Help.


Well-known member
I live with my girlfriend and her parents and have for 5 years and I am STILL not warmed up to them. They bring my SA into overdrive, I feel trapped ALL the time, in the house, everywhere. They ask where I'm going and everything so I don'twant to leave. and they answer the phone and ask hows calling and talking n front of them makes me uncomfortable so idont give my number to anyone. I moved from my own province to be here so left my family and friends behind. I haven't made any new friends because of these living condiitions. I just finished university and dont have a job so cant move out yet. I have been looking for a month now. I need to move out before i go crazy. I don't feel like I will ever be able to turn off my SAD around her parents, even when we move out they willbe in my life causing me this discomfort and fear so I dont know what to do. I feel like ill have to break up with my gf to get away from it, or move to another city or something.
What should I do? I really really can't live like this anymore. I feel like I've been repressed and living in a box for 5 years. It's gotten to the point where i feel like my girlfriend knows me through my SAD more than she actually knows me now because it controls me all the time at home where she is.
What to do???


Do you have friends or family back where you moved from that you could stay with? If you do, you could always ask your girlfriend to move with you.


Well-known member
You need time out from being in a house with the other family. I can imagine how uncomfortable it must be for you, i can't believe you've lasted for 5 years!
All i can say is maybe spend most of your time out looking for a job and that way your avoiding them and you'll be closer to finding a job.