

Well-known member
Has anyone been on this medication??.. my psychiatrist prescribed me this medication. It just makes me feel shut off frm the whole world.. by the way he diagnosed me with Schizophrenia.


I´m recovering from depression and when I first took this medication I slept for an entire day , it was really weird . And then for two years I felt like eating a lot , like candies and carbohidrates , I couldn´t concentrate , I gained a lot of weight , etc . I didn´t felt shut off from the world , but I know that each person has different side effects , maybe you should wait for a while to see if it gets better or try talking to your psychiatrist about it .


Well-known member

I took that shit for Bipolar (Whatta label!)and except loosing concentration, gaining weight (1o kilos!), memory loss i didnt get anything except empty wallet.

I ate candies like lunatic. And it is giving you also symptoms like you have diabetes, and diabetes could be caused by cosnuming this ,according to some unlucky consumers of this wonder crap.

I tested my self once after on diabetes and luckily i didnt get it.


Well-known member
Hell, i must add this- LOL.

So, conclusion is that this medicine was put up on a market and in a shrinks mouth due to enormous influence of increasing candy industry
incorporated with some sumo wrestling club :idea:


I think that the label is pretty hard to forget , lol , but I also think that for a short period of time was good for me to 'lift me up ' from depression . The problem is that I took it for so long and often psychiatrists don´t listen to you about how much of the dosage you should be taking and there´s too much side effects . I heard about the diabetes and I still have to do a blood test . Btw , your conclusion is hilarious !!!