
  • Thread starter Unregistered cat
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Unregistered cat

Today i got prescribed zoloft 50mg daily for soc. anxiety. Now i can deal with the anxiety but the sweating is what kills me. Pretty much heres a normal day for me. Btw i only sweat from my armpits

Wake up around 9-11am.
Think to myself "shit i hope i dont sweat today"
Thus triggering the sweating (some days i forget i sweat and i dont start till i remember i do)
I can usually stop it if im not doing anything that day like staying home.
If somebody calls me i start to sweat.
Lets say i go over to a friends house tho ill start sweating
As soon as i leave im no longer sweating. (say around 8pm or so)
And am pretty much dry the rest of the night as long as im not doing anything social.

Then pretty much i repeat that process. the next day weather im going to school/friends/ or what ever.

So im pretty sure my sweating is triggered from soc anxiety so do you think zoloft will cure me? Also any idea if once i get off the meds will the anxiety come back?