Your own Social Situation ''today''


I thought about sharing our ''difficult'' social situations, of the day.
I hope you find it a good idea.
And maybe you can reply on someone's situation, and make him/her feel better about it. And maybe we can talk about it, and talk about what could have been a better way in that situation.

It doesnt have to be actually happened on the same day, if you really want to share another situation you can.

My situation to share :

When i went cycling, everytime when someone cycled by, i couldnt look him/her in the eye, and i looked very anxious, and i find myself very uncomfortable.
Do you guys have that too, when you cycle?


Well-known member
I can't even get up the courage to go out on my bike as I'm scared of falling off and looking stupid...

I think a lot of people look nervous cycling, especially if there is any traffic around.

I never know what to do with eye contact, I either stare at the floor and try not avoid people's gaze or end up staring for way too long and scaring people (I'm big and grumpy looking, so probably look like I am about to kill them).


Well-known member
Yes i get that. I live in the country so Its pretty quiet. I'd normally see like 20cars/people in 1 hour. I always find my anxiety is up and down. I think I might actually prefer cycling somewhere like a park where it was busy. Atleast my anxiety would level and I could feel somewhat in control.
Even though I feel anxious I still enjoy going. I find it somewhat peaceful. And yes I no thats contradicting


I've only recently started to ride my bike and I have had a few problems. My eyes water really bad and I cant look at people,and I then worry that other people think that I am nervous because am not giving eye contact/looking other way, when I should be watching where im going!

To be honest I dont feel as bad when im on bike instead of walking, dont feel as awkward when, for instance waiting for traffic to pass


Well-known member
I get nervous cycling past people too. A nightmare situation would be to pass people I 'sort -of' know. I don't find complete strangers as much of a problem.

I hate when I go for a walk and I can see someone approaching (say 50 yards away).... every step I'll be dreading the appropriate time to make polite eye contact. Maybe it's worse than cycling for me, as there's more time to worry. When I walk around the block near my house, I'll turn the other way to avoid crossing someone's path, if I manage to see them approaching from far enough away for them not to notice!


Well-known member
I ddon't have a bike:)...
But i wud luv to have one and go out with it. It's like when i'm workin out at a gym or running on the sidewalk, u don't feel nervous almost at all, i feel proud of mahself. But yeah standing at a bus stop or walkin to a store, it just makes me real nervous and i start sweating..:mad:


The best way out is always through.
- Robert Frost
I love biking! I do it all the time and I don't really feel anxious while I pass people and stuff.

My SA situation today was this morning. I've been camping all weekend with 2 guys I know and 4 girls I don't know, and this morning one of the girls was trying to talk to me, buuuut I couldn't think of anything to say :(


Well-known member
I never ride my bike, so I can't join in on that part of the discussion. I think I would be nervous about going out on one though. I'd be nervous about the cars and I'd be nervous that someone I know would drive by and see me riding my bike and think I'm a loser or something. I don't know.

But today I went to a birthday party for my neighbor's little six year old girl. They are pretty close family friends and I grew up with them, but I was still quite anxious about it. I never really know what to say around them, so I definitely spent most of the time there not saying much of anything and just sort of sitting around. It wasn't too bad though.

And then I had my grandmother's birthday party to go to. I don't feel very shy or anxious around my family, so I was actually fine and it was nice to see my cousins and aunts and uncles and what not.


Well-known member
My SA situation today was this morning. I've been camping all weekend with 2 guys I know and 4 girls I don't know, and this morning one of the girls was trying to talk to me, buuuut I couldn't think of anything to say :(

Yeah that happens sometimes, but it only happens to me when i'm the one initiating the conversation..
U shud've just tried to be urself, and it wud've been fine. U shud've just kept the ball rolling adding stuff to waht she said, etc. Talked about what u plan to do 2day, weather, interests...just talk anything talkable that comes to ur mind. Man if i were in taht place, i prolly mite have already kissed her :)


Well-known member
Oh! i forgot to comment on the thread. I didn't have any real SA today. Just a lil uncomfortable and sweaty when i was out running some errands, but that was i think bcoz the weather was quite hot today..


riding my bike into town with lots of idiots looking @ me all the time,I reckon I looked a complete mess and the weather was crap so that didnt do my self esteem anygood


Well-known member
Well, i'm goin to the beach with my cousins and their friends. They invited me for a BBQ. It's wierd to have it on a monday afternoon, lol...but well i got nothin to do and it's most definitely better than sitting at home and doin nothin' :)


Well, i'm goin to the beach with my cousins and their friends. They invited me for a BBQ. It's wierd to have it on a monday afternoon, lol...but well i got nothin to do and it's most definitely better than sitting at home and doin nothin' :)

have a beer and enjoooooooooy