Your Anxious Diary thread.

Okay, I thought let's make a topic where we can 'Describe' our Anxious ''moments''. And that we try to give eachother advice with the moments we've had. What would have been better etc.
Maybe this can help us. Cuz I never can't give myself advice, but when it comes to other's I absolutely can!

Ok.. my anxious moment of today;

9 february 2010 - the afternoon.
I had to go to massage therapy, But I thought Oh no, i'm too nervous to go, I was already in the car with my dad driving to that place, I said to my dad ''Dad, can we please turn around'', he said ''No Sas, You have to do it, it's for your own help.'' I held my hands around my face and I got depressed.
My dad asked ''What is the matter, why dont you go?'' I said, ''Because I'm afraid Cuz I never know what to talk about in social situations, And i'm afraid that I will act awkward''. He said, ''You are there for your help, the therapist wont think anything weird.'' When we arrived at the place I couldnt go out of the car, and my dad took me out of the car, he said, ''Sas, c'mon, Ok.. you can explain it to the therapist.'' We went into the building and the therapist was sitting there, she said ''Oh Sas, are you OK? Is there anything wrong?''
I said ''Yes, I dont feel well, I can't do it now.'' And she said, ''Are you mad at me'' (damn I felt so sad when she asked me that, cuz I always look mad when I'm depressed, but it's OF COURSE not because of her.) I said, ''No of course not, It's just my depression.'' The therapist said, ''Maybe you should go to a doctor'' My dad replied ''She already did, tomorrow we have a phone call of someone who gives us advice.'' She said, ''OK, well Sas, we will make an oppointment for the next week, I hope you feel better next week, take care you both.'' And we drived back to home.
Oh and not to forget, My dad went very mad at me cuz he hates that I gave up::(:

Well this is my first anxious moment of this diary, Hope you guys like the idea and would like to write too . And if you got tips/advice for my first story please write ;)

Greetz , Saskia


Well-known member
I hope that your dad can get some books on social anxiety so he can better understand and help more in these situations. most people who do massage do not see themselves as being judgemental of their patients but rather of being able to provide a needed service. It helps them to help others. and they are not expecting you to entertain them - they actually want the opposite which is to unstress you. All you need to say is "I'm really looking forward to this massage, I really need it because I'm having a lot of stress. " then just try and let them help you relax. All they may want in return is a big Thank you. they will be happy that they could help you feel better.