You diet may be the problem


Well-known member
Are you hypoglycemic?

Social anxiety is a sub-class of general anxiety, where the body is overproducing adrenaline due to an internal metabolic disorder. Unreasonable anxiety is caused by an underlying biochemical abnormality that causes your body to produce too much adrenaline. Adrenaline functions to increase biological energy to the brain whenever the brain senses brain starvation. This energy is essential in the production of feel good neurotransmitters.This is mostly associated with a condition called pre-diabetic insulin resistance (or hypoglycemia). This can be treated without recourse to drugs by nutritional means.

Greetings, I found this very interesting.Jurriaan Plesman, Nutritional Psychologist believes that social anxiety disorder,is not a mental problem but may be a nutritional problem.
check below

The Nutrition-Behavior Inventory Questionnaire (NBI) at:
The Hypoglycemic Health Association of Australia


The Hypo Quizz at:
Find out the symptom of hypoglycemia!

and if you score above normal, you are likely to have a hypopglycemic syndrome, which can be treated by going on a hypoglycemic diet.


Beating Anxiety and Phobias at:

Your diet may be triggering your anxiey and other mood disorders.


Well-known member
thank you for this. I took the test and according to it I have a higher risk of having hypoglycemia. I scored 40% so it's about time I get checked at the doctor's office.


My father is a diabetic so I know a lot about blood-sugar related things, and I've often checked my blood sugar. Sometimes I have hypoglycemic attacks (Once my blood sugar went as low as 30) and it's too indescribable to explain, but it feels horrible, and having low blood sugar throughout the day definitely is a cause for anxiety/nervousness (though, if you have an attack of extreme low blood sugar you'd know, because your brain basically switches off, you look like you have parkinson's and you go into an intense wild animal rage for gluclose)


Well-known member
I've heard a lot about this. The number one thing that all self-help anxiety books mention is the importance of diet and excercise. Also a lot of, but not all, socially anxious people are introverts. Introverts need to eat more often. Have you ever noticed how much crappier you feel when you are hungry? Lots of water is good too.
I've heard/felt that bananas also significantly decrease my anxiety before scary events.
Unfortunately, while my post is so positive, I don't seem to be able to follow my own advice. Motivation for exercise is quickly gone, and stashing a pack of pop-tarts in my bag before school is so much easier than making a sandwich or buying lunch on campus.


Well-known member
I have insulin resistance which is also related to liver probs I've had and my PCOS. However, I don't really eat sugar much anymore and have been mainly on a spirutein drink + sensible dinner diet for over a year and I don't feel less social anxiety.


New member
My score on this test was 96. I'm very curious, has anyone else pursued this thread and used this idea/information in their lives? And by the way, I've never been a member of any sort of online group or community and this is my first post here. I really have no idea what people do on forums or chat rooms, so please forgive me if I'm doing something wrong. Thanks.