Yo yo yo!


Greetings everybody! I'm new here, well kind of. Been mooching round the board for a while now so thought it was high time i signed up to say hello and introduce myself.

I'm female, 27 years old from west yorkshire. I live with my boyfriend and my two cats and i work in an office in the accounts department (been here 10 years!!!)

I've suffered with SA for as long as i can remember. In fact my earliest memory is of me screaming whilst being dragged down the road by my mum to go to my first school where i had no friends and i was convinced everyone hated me. My life has pretty much continued this way although i do now have a couple of good friends and i don't scream on the way to work (although some days i really could).

I always thought i was suffering from basic growing up problems. I imagined that as soon as i hit adulthood i would grow out of it and be this confident outgoing person with loads of friends and a fantastic job. How wrong i was! I didn't even know that SA was a recognised condition until i found this site a couple of years ago. It comforting to know i'm not alone though.

I've recently been to my GP for help as the job i'm in is making me really unhappy but the thought of getting a new one is so frightening i can't even put it into words. He was really good and i feel like i've made a huge step in the right direction but i know i still have a long way to go.

So that's me, i hope i didn't bore anyone!


Well-known member
Hi munch!


I didn't even know that SA was a recognised condition until i found this site a couple of years ago. It comforting to know i'm not alone though.

I can relate to this so well. For the longest time I thought I was just depresseed and shy and like you, I thought well when I get older I'll be more out going. But that never really happened. Maybe I took on more responsibilities in my life but I never have gotten passed my social anxiety :? and like you I didn't even know it was that well reconized as illness.

It's good to hear that your GP. Was healpful. definately share anything that seems to be working cause we can all benefit from each others experience ..I think anyway. It s sounds like your doing good.


Well-known member
Hiya munch, welcome. :) A new student take away opened near my house called 'munch', its very good, is this your work? :wink:

*stomach rumbles* dangit hungry again... 8O


:D Thanks guys

I've just started a course of citalopram. I'd be interesed to hear anyone elses views on this medication as i'm suffering quite alot of the side effects. I'm not sure if i should give it a few more days (it's only been 4) or go back to my GP. The effects aren't as bad as day 1. I'm also waiting for someone to get in touch with me with regards to new sessions they will be running at a clinic that's being built near where i live. My GP passed my details on and told me they would write to me so i'll kep you posted.

Re the much takeaway - nope sorry. I took my name from the xbox game :p


hey munch

ive been taking cytalopram foir about 3 weeks now i believe it has helped me as i was crying a lot before, but not as much as i would have liked... i have sad days. not really experienced any side affects although it did make me feel nauseous at first and increased my appetite. how are you finding it?? ooh my therapist did say that it wasnt a very effective one and only 40% of people get on with it. Let me know how you're getting on feel free to pm me xx