Yello All


Active member
I can't begin to express how happy I am to know that there are people like me out there in the world. So, I guess I am not as alone as I thought.

I am a 19 year old female from Pennsylvania. I have had SA my whole life. I know that I was always really shy. It got really bad when I went to middle school, and it was all downhill from there. I always feel as if people are judging me no matter where I am or what I am doing. I always sit in the back because I don't like anyone sitting behind me for fear that they are judging me. I also don't like to talk on the phone because I'm always worried about that the person on the other end will think I'm an idiot. Does anyone else have these problems? I am completely socially inept.


Well-known member
hello and welcome! yes, you are not alone. hope you enjoy it here :).

haha fellow "sit in the back"er :lol: i always try and sit in the back and at the end of a row. if i don't...i get "claustrophobic". i'd always be gulping...i'm so nervous..really embarassing :oops:. so dont feel you have it bad. i dont even answer the phone lol...i have a cell phone i hardly even use =/. i fear and avoid situations where a conversation might occur. i feel like i just dont have an opinion on anything or feel i will massacure everything i say. even if i do have a good conversation with someone, i know in the future i wont be able to keep it up so i avoid the person. sorry for rambling. do you have friends to talk about this stuff and what do you like to do socially?


Active member
I don't use my cell phone either. I also avoid speaking to people. You are so right about how hard it is to keep up a conversation in the future. That is why I only have a few friends and I'm surprised that I have them. I don't speak to people unless they speak to me first.

I have a friend who also has social phobia and we talk about it at times, but I still have a hard time talking to friends sometimes too. That is why I really prefer to be alone. The only things I like to do socially are like go to the movies with my friends. I really like tv and movies.