Xbox live worth getting?


well i know its like stupid to buy an xbox now lol cos they been out for a millenium but i did mainly to play games as my pc will cost about £500 to fix.

so i bought a 360 elite on ebay and a couple of games im wondering is it worth getting it online?

online issue is I didnt realise 360's didnt have inbuilt wireless this is quite a shock and its £50 for a wireless adapter :///////


LOL i was going to but i realise the main reason i wanted a console was for Halo 3 i was a big fan of halo 1 & 2

the only problem here is ps3 is better i admit much better, i probably buya ps3 later this year so i can play drakes fortune 1/2 not many other games i really wanna play i prefer pc has better graphics.


Well-known member
It depends on how much you plan on playing. Most games are good enough offline but playing online can prolong there life a great deal. I think a full year of live is $50, which comes to about $4 a month. If you play online a lot it certainly is worth it.


You can find the adapter cheaper than that. HotUKDeals - Deals (This website is great for finding things cheap :D) Plus you can get the live membership cheaper online as well if you look around. :)

To be honest the xbox isn't half as good without live because it's so much more fun to play against (and beat :p) other people (unless you're playing a single player game that is :p).