Would you care about hyperhidrosis if your mind just got off the anxiety?


Active member
Would you care? For example, you go for a job interview, and you start sweating profusely on your hands, and the anxiety is so great that you lose control of yourself. Now, if the sweat stayed, but the anxiety went away, would you still care about your hyperhidrosis?

I wouldn't care. To me, the anxiety is the killer. The feeling of embarassment and uneasyness is just too great with hyperhidrosis. Though, without the anxiety, I would still care a little having to shake the guy's hand with a soaked palm. Still, without the anxiety, things would be 100x easier. What do you think?

I'm going to start hypnotherapy with my psychologist soon to eliminate the anxiety associated. Hopefully along with attempts to reduce sweating, I will not care about my hyperhidrosis.


Well-known member
For ME, once I got the sweating under control I had less anxiety. Anytime the sweat comes back, so does the anxiety. If I was able to get rid of the anxiety would I care about the sweat? I think they are so intertwined I'm having a hard time perceiving them as separate issues. On the other hand, I know the effects of being anxious while NOT sweating and it that affects other areas of my life. The sweating coupled with the anxiety seams to be an endless loop. I get anxious because I'm sweating which makes me more anxious because I feel myself getting more anxious, thus sweating even more.


Well-known member
Yeah that's my recent approach. I just settled with doing ionto and not caring about the comp. sweating by taking supplements for my anxiety. there's this website cognitive nutrition i ordered some stuff off it.