I think I agree with you guys. I'm not so bad speaking on the phone so perhaps I'll be OK. And ANYTHING is better than working in retail or at a restaurant again. I believe I'd honestly rather die than put myself through that hell again. I realize how melodramatic that seems, but it's the clear and cut truth, so no use in fibbing, I suppose.
I just hope I can get through this interview. I've gotten the interview through the help of a job coach. She's a bit cranky and enjoys being condescending towards me, though every now and then she backs off when I prick her with my barbed wired tongue.
Anyway, she'll be at the interview with me observing the whole thing, which is just added pressure. That's two people in the room watching me like hawks, and I know I'm going to slip up at least once or twice. But I'm going to try very hard.
Still, something tells me this Friday will be one of those days when I will have to pop so many pills just to keep control of my nerves that I probably won't even remember the whole situation afterwards.
Much like my sister's wedding. I took so much Xanax that only the wedding videos helped jog my memory of what actually happened during a lot of the ceremony. But I had to take something. And plenty of it. And Friday I will again, though it won't be Xanax.
I just hope this is the new beginning of something good for me. One of my sisters works at a call center I think, and she seems to dislike it quite a bit , recently referring to some of her co-workers as "fools". And she's the sweetest girl you're ever going to meet. So that worries me a bit. But anyway, here comes the rollercoaster ride. I already wish I could get off...or that at least I was too short to get on. Why can't I be a kid again??