Would any girls in perth like to meet? ..Or even just email?


New member
Hello, my name is Chris (you may have figured that out.. :p ). I'm 20/male and I live in Perth.

I've had Social Anxiety since I was about 14, and i'm really sick of not having any close friends. I miss having some one that I can confide in, and while I've got these stupid fears/worries about meeting people, the only way I can see myself having some one somewhat close is to find some one else in the same position as I am...

I've been told a few times that I'm quite a nice guy. And I'm definitely not judgmental in the slightest (I can't imagine that anyone with SAD could be).

If you want to talk, email me at [email protected] or just private message me on SPW.

Oh, and just because you message me doesn't mean we have to meet up or anything. I'm very happy to just talk over email. Even if I get one message and never hear back from you again it will still make my day.

I'm not holding my breath that I'll get a response... but it doesn't hurt to try, right?