Worrying about the future


Well-known member
I don't know what to do anymore .

I'm just here existing rotting away doing nothing all day everyday (not out of choice ) with no one to help.

I cant stop worrying about whats in store for the future and worrying how i will cope with the even more worthless un-achieving feeling im going to be faced with in the years to come.

Since 16 when i left school to now 23 i have achieved nothing whatsoever apart from moving away to live on my own which hasn't helped. I dread the next 7 and the 7 years after that and how i will continue to live on.

I honestly can say i would rather be dead than carry on this way , its eating away at me and i feel like im going to have to give in soon .( im not wanting pity either i just dont see any other way out ) .

I dont want to feel this way but i cant see it ever changing for me . If it was going to change it would have by now , the problem lies with my anxiety/depression/social phobia but how the hell am i meant to change it when i have felt this way for all my life.

I just don't know how im physically meant to " go on "

Sorry for the going-on-ness ::(:

Does anybody else have any worries for the future or are you able to focus on today?

Thanks for reading
I guess just take one day at a time... try to accumulate good habits and resources, whatever those resources may be... No one can know the future, even if it seems certain that you will continue this way. Things can change in ways that you may not even imagine. It certainly did for me.

In the meantime, all you can do is just take it one step at a time and prepare yourself in the best ways you can. Or at least that's what I think...


Well-known member
I guess we all worry about the future some way, but we gotta hang on, you never know what happens. Maybe your brain starts to realize it's wrong thinking and things will go better. :)


There's ALWAYS better days ahead. Think back to the best day of your life. Live life knowing that the next best day of your life has yet to come. Trust me, it will come.
Not to fall back on cheesy ''feel good'' pick-up phrases, but if there's one thing I've learned so far, is that success often lies in small, unexpected corners. The only thing you have to do is not give into the despair, and trust that good things can happen.

Not meaning that you should just wait for things to get better, that wont help either. But when there's nothing you can do, don't sweet it, there will be another day tomorrow. The big picture is always a daunting thing to look at. Even for those whom are (relatively) anxiety free.

You can't live your entire life in one day, so why bother worrying about it too much in one day? Take it day by day.. :3 All I'm saying is; There is more over the horizon then just water, even when there doesn't appear to be. :)

Oh, also, my apologies for using so many cheesy metaphors. ^W^;
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Well-known member
Things can change in ways that you may not even imagine. It certainly did for me.

Indeed, my life has taken me to places I never thought I would be. Its incredible what a mess it has become, don't know how I managed to get here, but somehow I did.


Well-known member
I cant stop worrying about whats in store for the future and worrying how i will cope with the even more worthless un-achieving feeling im going to be faced with in the years to come.

Since 16 when i left school to now 23 i have achieved nothing whatsoever apart from moving away to live on my own which hasn't helped. I dread the next 7 and the 7 years after that and how i will continue to live on.

It used to be just be at the back of my mind constantly until recently. Now adays, I just don't have the energy to deal with it, nor think about it. I can't even handle my emotions properly anymore, much less time to think about such things.

I honestly can say i would rather be dead than carry on this way , its eating away at me and i feel like im going to have to give in soon .( im not wanting pity either i just dont see any other way out ).

I can't give in, because I know if I do, things would be worse than they already are. I thought things couldn't be worse than they already were, but they actually *did* get worse, so well, now I know things can actually be even worse than they are now.