Worried about my future/no motivation?


Well-known member
Hi there. I'm incredibly anixous about my future and life in general. I don't know what I'm supposed to do.. I honestly don't think I'll ever be in a relationship due to my hyperhidrosis and this also dictates which profession I could go into. I finish college in the next 8 weeks and it's dawned on me I'm finally an adult but due to my aniexty I just wish the world would swallow me...

Where do I go from here? HH dictates my life but I want to make the most of it but I just can't... I can't over come my insecurities and no matter what I will always self loath and be unhappy. What am I supposed to do?


I'm 21 and I'm still unsure what I'm doing with life, I'm at university now studying science, when I left school I wanted to go into art.
Its never too late to decide where your life is going, but the best thing I can suggest is to look into a range of subjects, read what they're all about and go with whatever intruigues you the most.
As for the insecurities, you need to leave your boundaries and understand that not everyone is out to get you. Its true that everyone judges, but everyone also has their insecurities. Once you understand that the being judged thing wont bother you so much.
It just takes time and patience, there are no short cuts. :)