World of Warcraft...


Well-known member
Does anyone here play? I have been doing so for 2 years, its somewhat a good escapism for me. Seems like a good place to ask, the socially 'lesser' types are often associated with wow 8O

I have a level 70 Paladin on Jubei'thos if anyone wants to know.


Well-known member
Wasn't playing when you first posted this and ermmm....just bumping it really.

What servers do you play on in in region, seeming it's mainly europe or US....probably others, just thinking about connectivity as with main two regions (eu, us) they're completely seperate and as far as i know the only way for me to play on a US server would be to buy the US version of the game and pay with teh dollar.


Well-known member
There are special 'oceanic' servers in the us version of the game. They arent located in the 'oceanic' region though. Go Figure =(


I have a level 22 or 23 Rogue named Zikau on the madoran server in the US..
But i haven played it cuz I haven't gotten a prepaid card thingy... D:


Well-known member
I have a lvl 70 warrior on Caelestrasz. Only been playing for a few months, i am already bored with the game.


Active member
Anyone on Lightning's Blade EU or Frostwhisper EU?

I have

70 Orc Warlock
70 Tauren Warrior
70 Draenei Paladin


Well-known member
Heh, I have become slightly bored of the game, but then again, unless my friends want to go out, there isnt a whole lot to do other than work, which has been horriffic of late.

Can't wait until Lich King!
I have a Level 70 Tauren Druid named Boargon on the Earthen Ring server.

I'm a more casual World of Warcraft player, in that I am not addicted to the game and can put it down when an opportunity to go hang out with my friends arrises, in fact I haven't played it in several months due to me needing more RAM on my computer, I guess I've just been too lazy to go buy it lol, but I've heard many cases where this game consumes people's lives and its just a really sad thing to see, but I can understand where they're coming from if they have limited social contacts so the game becomes their escape from reality sort of, idk I guess that's why I try not to play it so much because when I do I'll be on it for hours lol... :lol: