Working life with HH???

Hows everyone working life with HH? For me i work in a cubicle office and i get to hid my aqua face behind a computer from time to time and its all good. No, dont get me wrong i dont hide myself from anyone i enjoy a conversation or two but when it starting to rain on my face i start keeping back anything i want to say. Or maybe its just something i should not try to notice "even though its just pouring on my face" and just do what i want to do.

lets not let hh win over us and try to win over it.


Well-known member
i keep a sweat rag in my office in case my face gets sweaty. i put my suit jacket on if my pits get out of control. most days i just eat 6 mg of avert and don't worry about it


Well-known member
I work in a office aswell ....its quite nice as I can keep out the way alot of the time
its not good though when youve got some shitty meeting you cant get out of in some stuffy room sweating away

also with summer now here it can be difficult on the hot days....especially when idiots turn off the air con complaining its too cold ...grrr
I work in a office aswell ....its quite nice as I can keep out the way alot of the time
its not good though when youve got some shitty meeting you cant get out of in some stuffy room sweating away

also with summer now here it can be difficult on the hot days....especially when idiots turn off the air con complaining its too cold ...grrr

I cant stand meeting either most of the time i just sit there and ponder the thought of just jumping out of my chair and run for the doors.