Working from home?

I don't want to work from home. Yes, I have social anxiety disorder and I'm an introvert who is "assaulted" daily by normal office life. But when I work from home: I don't ever leave the house, it's hard to concentrate on work when the bed, the tv, the refrigerator, chores, etc. are calling. Plus I miss out on what's going on at the office that might pertain to my job. But I do appreciate that my employer now lets me work from home when I'm not feeling well.


I feel that my SA has been getting a bit more intense ever since I've stopped working a normal 9-5 job. I now work from home and feel that I have lost confidence due to staying in all the time. Now when I go out, I suffer from SA a lot more... :cry:
I feel that my SA has been getting a bit more intense ever since I've stopped working a normal 9-5 job. I now work from home and feel that I have lost confidence due to staying in all the time. Now when I go out, I suffer from SA a lot more... :cry:

Yeah exactly, plus I don't feel guilty goofing off on company time when I'm working at the office :).


Well-known member
Working from home is my ultimate dream. What work do you do, if I may ask? If I worked from home, I would find other ways of social interaction; joining a gym etc.. since I definitely agree that staying home all day can't be good.


Argamemnon said:
Working from home is my ultimate dream. What work do you do, if I may ask? If I worked from home, I would find other ways of social interaction; joining a gym etc.. since I definitely agree that staying home all day can't be good.

If this was meant for me...

I work in Real Estate and Loans. I do go out on occasion and show homes but recently that has also had it's toll on me. I also do go to the gym but not farely as often as I should.

Yes working from home is a dream job!
Yes working from home is a dream job!

Actually my dream job would be a Forest Ranger, where I could get paid to walk / exercise in the woods. Or a travel writer or National Geographic photographer. But as a programmer, my dream job would supply me with my own office, with it's own window (to the outside world ) and it's own door (to shut out office noise). Or maybe I could program from the beach with a wifi laptop. Except when I'd go swimming someone would probably steal the laptop hehe.


Well-known member
I think working from home can be a bit of a catch 22 situation for people with social phobia. I have a 9-5 mon-fri job and yes sometimes I get annoyed and frustrated with people and situations and think it would be great working from home. But I know if I did this then my social phobia would get worse and I wouldn't really leave the house except to go the gym and shopping, so it looks like I'm stuck with the old 9-5 grind for now


Well-known member
as we're on the topic I just got fired from my job and was wondering weither anyone new of any jobs from home minimum qualification oppotunities even though as some of you have said it isn't good for anxiety I don't mind I'd way prefer it.If anyone knows of any agencies or jobs with this in mind it would be a great help thanks .oli


As long as you get out of the house everyday, working from home is better for people like us, in my opinion. We don't have to go home and "recharge" like we do with regular 9-5 jobs, because with home jobs there isn't anything to "recharge" from. Working from home just removes stress that comes from a regular job. I'm training to work as a medical transcriptionist from my computer. I feel lit'll give me back the energy I lose from having a regular job.



Active member
I agree. Working from home is the way to go. It may require a lot of self-discipline to actually go out and have a life, but at least in this scenario, you're the one who's in control. You control the amount of social interaction; you decide what challenges can and can't be faced that day; and as has already been said, you don't have to "recharge" from from a 9-5 job rife with social interaction.

I don't work from home, but that's certainly the dream. Anybody ever heard of ?
Well, for the last week I've tried working half a day at the office and half a day from home. It's pretty cool, I have the best of both worlds. I have face time, define projects, show results, etc at the office. Then I have "quiet" time at home to actually work and think. This may be the ideal situation. I dreaded 8 hours at the office, but 4 hours is a breeze. Plus commuting time is reduced (because it's not rush hour) and I get to eat a decent lunch in peace.