I am 24 years old and have social phobia. It ONLY comes in certain situationes like for example sitting in front of a girl or boy and having eye contact only you 2.
I want to better this so some actions I'm going to take are:
- Stop trying to AVOID being nervous. Because EVERYtime I try to avoid it it gets worse
- Expose myself to situations i tend to think "oh I want to avoid this"
- Stop seeing people as a threat and seeing myself not being good enough
or "lower" than them in a sense of hieararchy
- Get rid of all the expectations I have of myself in a social interaction
Will this work? Or is this just ANOTHER set of expectations of myself and am i OVERanalyzing AGAIN?
Thank you
I am 24 years old and have social phobia. It ONLY comes in certain situationes like for example sitting in front of a girl or boy and having eye contact only you 2.
I want to better this so some actions I'm going to take are:
- Stop trying to AVOID being nervous. Because EVERYtime I try to avoid it it gets worse
- Expose myself to situations i tend to think "oh I want to avoid this"
- Stop seeing people as a threat and seeing myself not being good enough
or "lower" than them in a sense of hieararchy
- Get rid of all the expectations I have of myself in a social interaction
Will this work? Or is this just ANOTHER set of expectations of myself and am i OVERanalyzing AGAIN?
Thank you