Will Medication Help OCD

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luvox (fluvoxxamine) helped me out a lot

it makes you drowsy and tired when you first start taking it, but you'll eventually adjust to the side effects


Well-known member
I was originally on Prozac (Fluoxetine) and Ativan (Lorazepam) for the side effects of the prozac, but that didn't work so i got switched over to Zoloft (Sertraline) and continued with the ativan, and it was awesome, but my doctor got worried about how much energy i had, so he took me off of the ativan, and now the zoloft gives me some energy, not as much as it would with the ativan *thankfully* but it doesn't help with intrusive thoughts that much :/
So idk what im gonna do! I hope i can get back on the ativan, even though it has high addictive rates!
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i am on celexa right now, i just started about 8 days ago. my starting dose was 20mg. i will go up to 30mg in another week, then up to 40mg around 4 days after that, and see how that works for me. i have intrusive thoughts and compulsions, and pretty bad depression. the side effects of celexa aren't that bad for me, and it seems to be helping quite a bit with the depression / intrusive thoughts, but the compulsions are still there. I also take clonazepam (klonopin), which is a benzodiazepine, like xanax or ativan (used for treatment in anxiety disorders / panic attacks, which i also have) the combination really seems to be working for me, but only time can tell. i wish you the best of luck :).