Wildest Dreams


Well-known member
What is your wildest dream? I know it's a little off topic but what would you like to do? Myself, I'd like to go into space one day. Personally it would seem really cool and you'd get to do what very few people have done. Looking at the Earth from space you really get a sense of how small and insignificant the planet is but when we can send people beyond our own world it's just absolutely spectacular.

I don't tell people my deepest desires because they usually don't share the same views and they ridicule my most personal ideals. When I hear what their dreams are they are more...achievable so you can't really say anything about it. What do you want to do?
Space sounds delicious but very hard to achieve :(. All I have so far is that I want a vw bus and I want to paint some psychedelic picture on it. I need to work on my goals haha. It'd also be nice to live in a house shaped like a giant mushrooom.


I'm bringin a VW bus to California for Psychedelicious to paint! Then I'm gonna ride around California in that bus, camping at night, just takin it easy living the meandering life of a modern nomad. No more psychiatrists. No more people who have expectations for what I should be doing with my life. Just me at peace with nature. That is my wildest dream, and I'm following through with it ASAP, so get your paint brushes ready Psychedelicious!



I just want to travel and meet all kinds of people. There are so many places I want to go, and I don't really have the money to travel...but then I guess I can always try winning the lottery.


Have a cool old Victorian house on the coast and write for a living. I don't know if this would help my SA, but I would love a career where I can work alone and be creative at home, and ditch all the office politics/socializing.


Well-known member
My dream is to be able to ask out a girl, to make friends, to do good in life and live happy. I'm 18 and all my friends are in collage and moving on with their lives even the ones i thought would never do so, its 1 AM and im sitting in my room in the dark by myself having a few drinks. Tomorrow morning I'll wake up and go to my shitty job and deal with the same mental BS i always deal with. I honestly cannot picture a future for myself, i still feel like im 14 years old sometimes.