Why should we accept havin no friends or not havin a chance?


Well-known member
I have been having a difficult time recently coming to terms with that I dont have any close friends.
I mean I never had anyone THAT close or anyone i could fully be myself around but i had people i could talk to relatively comfortably. i don't see them friends i had anymore and very rarely talk in any form. There used to be always someone I could say oh at least i still have this or that person..evn though i was never close to them but just to call a "friend" was something. But I dont feel I can really with anyone anymore. I quit university and from december to now has been the longest ive not had routine and being around a group of people everyday that i had when i went to school. asmuch as i hated school its like now i have absolutely no substance to my life. last time i went on a night out was June, and for a 19 yr old girl thats lame, tbh. and getting to the point i was trying to make...

when you're complaining about SA and the effects and someone says to you to "cheer up" and stay positive and all this crap basically telling you to accept how things are and be ok with it..I just think actually..why the hell should I have to accept being let down by everyone i let into my life? whyshould I be ok with having no friends and no-one to spend time with? I know for a fact that some people take their friends for granted and do not deserve all they had. Theres only a certain amount I can do about that but why the heck should we as a group accept being second best all the time? Who the hell do other people think they are to decide what we are worth and we should allow ourselves to be treated as?

Ive told my thoughts to an internet friend- that i dont need no therapy i just need a chance,cus when i feel wanted and appreciated Im absolutely fine, and she said maybe I am looking for it in the wrong people, but how am i sposed to know who to look for to give me chance? you dont go out thinking "who can i make love me and appreciate me today?"... cus that aint natural. friendships and relationships just happen..you dont plan them and set them out.and i dont like it when i am suggested therapy or counseling. Its like.. oh shes angry at being betrayed, how terrible.. throw a therapist at her for not liking the fact that everyone screws her over, like thats such a mentally disturbing reaction to be angry at it happening over and over again? Its a perfectly normal reaction. Im sick of people and I cannot try again only to be disappointed... Dont tell me what im feeling is wrong. This amount of let downs i have had over and over one after the other is not normal. What am i sposed to do about it.

Sorry this was longer than i thought, any thoughts...


Well-known member
You should never accept that there's something unfixably wrong... or that you won't have friends. You must be around the wrong people somehow. I think there's so much luck in that...


Well-known member
This is what ove been told but how do iknow who the right people are.

I think rubbish of myself, people tell me not to and if i try to think im worth more, i attract people who treat me like im nothing and then i go back to feeling just that so i dnt see a way around it


Well-known member
defanetly one of the hardest things is being a very good friend, but then not getting the same back, it really hurts. have u got 1 best friend? thats all you really need i think, as long as u have/can get one best friend, the others can come n go without any hard feelings.
try not to feel bad about yourself though, its not your fault that people can be cocks, if u feel u have been a good friend, but there being arseholes, then that says nothing about u, it only says that person wasnt worth the time. i do respect tho its easier said than done, ive been let down by mates countless times. but what my dad said to me was that people r just people, they get on board the train, and they get off at their destination, and 9 times outa 10 i dont think they mean to hurt you, but its just because they dont think!
i hope u meet some people who appreaciate your friendship tho mate x
I never want to accept the fact that I don't, and probably never will have any friends or anyone close to me. It's just that it has been so long with nothing nothing nothing, I can't just believe in something that is never gonna happen. I mean you shouldn't accept it, but how can you not when things have never been that way, I feel I don't even know what having friends is.

For me I feel if I even had the ability to make friends with even one person, I probably wouldn't even be here talking right now. I feel like I am gonna go crazy being isolated like this for the rest of my life. I have no idea how to even talk to people, how am I suppose to make friends? It just ain't gonna happen. I don't want to accept that, but it's starting to seem like the only possibility. I'm starting to think that I just need to accept the fact that I will be alone for the rest of my life.


Active member
Usually if any chance presents it self to make a friend I pretty much drop the ball and mess every thing up. I have trust issues and when I get past that I have trouble socializing. My bad social skills have held me back so much in life I'm a loser. So it's a pretty bad gauntlet for some one to even go through let alone stick it out and make to the end. It's difficult to stay postive.


Well-known member
I don't want to accept the fact that I'll never have any close friends. I know that realistically, I'll never be able to get married either. I've always thought about how embarrassing a wedding would be if I somehow did get married. I would have a major problem, because I wouldn't have any groomsmen to go along with the bridesmaids. Talk about awkward!