why is this happening to me?


Active member
can anyone please give me some advice, i suffer with anxiety/panic attacks and towards the end of the week last week i noticed my chest started to get tight and i was starting with a cough, up til now i have a really bad chesty cough and really bad heart flutters and now am started to get really scared.

My stomach feels like a balloon and i have started experiencing short sharp pains in the tops of my shoulders in the left hand side of my back and the top part of my chest and in my tummy and in my arms, these pains only last seconds then they go but its starting to drive me mad can anyone please give me some advise on what this could i am at the doctors in the morning but am worried he will jst send me away with some more tablets.

The main thing thats scaring me is the heart flutters caus there gettin more regular as each day goes by and the pains am having am so confused.

hope someone can reply back to me caus like i said its driving me crazy feeling like this

many thanks

Kerry Ann


Active member
Make sure you tell your doctor everything you experience. If it helps write it all down before you go and give it to him. I always forget something when I go to the doctors. I'm sure your doctor would appreciate that as it would save him lots of time asking questions.

I had the same kind of thing happening to me a few years ago. At the time my anxiety was huge because I was worrying about something being wrong with me that might make my children motherless and the thought of that was making me worse.

How old are you Kerryann?


Active member
Hi i am only 26 yrs of age thats why i am so scared its really making me worse and worse and living alone dont help matters caus i sit and worry all the time,

my symptoms up to now are:

Tight Chest
Dry Chesty Cough
Shoulder Pains
Back pains
Tummy pains
Tummy Bloatiness
Heart Flutters

Need i go maybe its my anxiety but i will admit i have def convinced myself am ill its driving me mad i feel alone and i dont know what to do am always thinkin wat if all the time i need re-assuring really badly.

The pains and heart flutters concern me the most i dont see a Cardiologist til the 6th of November thats the only appointment they have so do i have to put up with these flutters for anther 5 weeks arghhhhhhhhhh lol cant cope.........plus the Buspirone meds the doc put me on 4 weeks ago dont even work for me so am asking to be put on some new meds besides some antibiotics for my chest infection if thats wat it is.

I just wish i knew the caus t these stabbing pains and heart flutters i have had about 15-20 so far today a bit less than yesterday.

Hope u reply really soon

Kerry Ann


Active member
I really hope tomorrow goes ok for you, Kerryann. I'll be thinking of you. It must be a big worry for you. But you are doing the right thing in going to the doctors.
A lot of people suffer in silence and end up feeling like it for months and months. It's a shame you can't see the cardiologist sooner, but just think - if they thought something was seriously wrong they would have sent you to the hospital straight away! They wouldn't have hung about.


Active member
hi again

thats what all my friends keep tellin me i actually spoke to a nurse at my dance lesson on saturday she works on the heart ward at the hospital and she said if there was anything wrong with me they would have picked it up before now with my bloods and my heart traces that i had done wen i got admitted to hopsital for the first time with my panic attacks, but the thing i cant convince myself is that these heart flutters are normal they really take my breath sometimes and thats what freaks me out .

I am actually seeing a different doctor tomorrow than my usual one so i have wrote a list out like u said and i am just goin to tell him that these all started last week and they seem to have got worse, am just worried that he might send me back to hospital again which i dont mind at all but they just keep telling me its my anxiety (av been in hospital 3 times already) but i really think theres summat wrong.

I wish i could just feel normal again did u suffer with many of the symptoms i have posted before?

Kerry Ann


Active member
I had a lot of palpitations, they would only ease if I squatted down and evened my breathing out for a minute or so. I had the pains and the tummy troubles.

You know how when someone has something stressful happening to them they may get a headache? Well all these things that we experience with anxiety are like an extension of that. Like the sharp pains in your shoulder, neck and back. Our mind can totally mess our feelings up! It's like when someone is a bit nervous they might get butterflies in the stomach. I think having heightened anxiety just makes all these things SO much worse.

If you think about it do you ever feel really, REALLY relaxed? Is your body totally free of tension at any time? I know when I suffered with similar to you I don't think I was ever relaxed even when I thought I was. Maybe the palpitations would start when I tried to relax which set something off in my brain which had got used to the stressed mode as being the norm. I hope I'm making sense! lol


Active member
yeah your def making sense to me i totally understand what u mean now i think the human boday is a weird thing as far as all this is concerned even thought there is nothing physically wrong with you, u feel like your whole world is falling apart and that you are phsically ill well thats how i feel anyway.

I get so frustrated with myself somtimes caus i think to myself "i bet everyone is gettin so mad with me about me goin on about my aches and pains" caus thats all i have done since last week is moan, moan and moan some more.

Do u think i will ever eventually get back to my normal life again?

I just hope this doc is a nice doc caus i need answers i am supposed to be taking my dancing exams on Sunday and i feel like crap with the aches and pains i dont think i am up to it but i have to do them no matter wat.



Active member
Hi Claire :)

Just letting you know i have been to the doctors and i told him all my symptoms and he basically told me i had a chest infection and put my Amoxycillin for 7 days besides telling me that he is keeping me on the Buspirone which i was not happy about but he said i need to be on it longer. :)

He told me the heart flutters are only last seconds so its nothing to worry about and that i will be fine its if they last longer than seconds that i need to go back as the appointment for the Cardiologist cannot be brought forward any earlier than 6th of November. :(

So i basically have to live with it until then. :(

The all over body pains he said is down to my chest infection because there are muscles that are being used wen i cough that have never been used before thats why i ache so much and i have all these shooting pains. :)

So anyway thats about it realy apart from i forgot to ask him about this herbal remedy a friend reccommended its called White Chestnut its for people who suffer with anxiety and stuff an u put two drops into a glass of water and sip it and its supposed to really help but i forgot to ask the doctor if i can use it whilst being on meds this is the link for it if you fancy taking a look: :)


and the stuff is called White Chestnut.

Hope to hear from you soon

Love Kerry Ann

xxx :) :) :) :) :)


Active member
Hi Kerry Ann! :D

Thanks for telling me how you got on. Has it put your mind at rest a little? I hope you soon start feeling better, chest infections tend to hang on for ages and make you feel like rubbish, don't they.

I don't know much about herbal remedies. I know some of them you have to take care of using if you're on other medication. But if it's ok to use and it might work then it's probably worth a try. :) I've not heard of Water Chestnut medicine before.

Good luck with your dance exams by the way. What kind of dancing is it?

Claire x