Why hello there ^_^


Well-known member
Hey there, welcome to the forum.
Are you good on the guitar? If your bored one day you could record some and post it on the forum, see what people think :D


Well-known member
Thankies for the welcomes! :)

@ Gone: I'm pretty good on the guitar. Around intermediate level. Have been playing around 7 years now. Self-taught - could never bring myself to go to lessons, what with the anxiety. :lol:

Here is a small clip of me playing, which I done for an online friend a while back. Youtube somehow messed up by condensing 1.30's worth of video and only 30 odd seconds of sound, though. :?

It's not even really worth viewing, but you'll get to see a nice shiny guitar if nothing else! 8)


If there was an particular song you wanted me to post on Youtube, I'm open to requests. ( :

I have quite a lot of time on my hands at the moment, so learning a new song would be fun. :)

@ Pink_Glitter: I live in a place called Thundersley, which is around 7 miles from Southend-on-sea. I used to fish over Lake Meadows in Billericay as a kid. ^_^

@ Sad-Kitten: I'm not sure where you're from, but I'm guessing you've heard of pool, right? Snooker is like pool, except played on bigger tables with different rules. The concept is the same though; you have to make balls go in pockets to win. It's a cool game that requires a lot of skill and practice, and very popular here in the UK.

Thanks again for the welcome! :D


Well-known member
rand0m_guy said:
Gone: I'm pretty good on the guitar. Around intermediate level. Have been playing around 7 years now. Self-taught - could never bring myself to go to lessons, what with the anxiety. :lol:

Here is a small clip of me playing, which I done for an online friend a while back. Youtube somehow messed up by condensing 1.30's worth of video and only 30 odd seconds of sound, though. :?

It's not even really worth viewing, but you'll get to see a nice shiny guitar if nothing else! 8)


If there was an particular song you wanted me to post on Youtube, I'm open to requests. ( :

I thought that was pretty good, didn't last long but hey, still good, lol.
Don't have any requests but im sure someone could come up with one, come on guys, give the man a request :D