Why does "personality" matter so much in this world?


Well-known member
This is something, that I don't understand and to be honest - quite frustrates me.

Personality just seems to matter so much in today's world. Almost too much - it seems to overwhelm everything else.

Take a look at job recruitment ads for example - most of the things they talk about usually relate to the candidate's personality. For some jobs, your personality is your application. Other things just aren't even taken into account.

When we describe a person, what do we usually describe first? Their personality.
When someone dies, what do we "remember" about them the most in their obituaries? Their personality.
How do politicians get votes and come into power? No, not 'boring' things like policy; once again, it's their personality.

Basically, what is the factor influencing how a person is "judged"? Their personality.

This would all be of little relevance if people didn't discriminate based on personality so much. But certain types of personalities are 'desirable' in society; other types are not. To me the reason that SA, and related disorders, hurt so much is because in a world where personality seems to matter so much, it afflicts our personality in such a 'bad light' (well, in the way that society judges us).


Well-known member
The job advertisements want a positive personality because a negative person may have a tendency to bring down everyone else. If a positive personality is faked, they couldn't care less. When they want a "passionate and dedicated" applicant, they mean they want someone who will do their work and won't negatively affect the productivity of workers around them.

Consider looks as well. Taller people statistically make more money than shorter people. Attractive people statistically make more money than less/non attractive people. A case can be made that with certain physical attributes, one's personality will be nurtured in such a way as to explain the differences in income. I think it's more plausible that the looks themselves are responsible for the statistics and not working through personality.

When we describe a person, what do we usually describe first? Their personality.
Depends, looks may be just as important -- that depends on both the judge and the person in question. If a certain person has outstanding (not in the "awesome" sense, by the way) physical attributes, such as good looks or deformations, those may come to mind first. If a certain person has an outstanding personality, such as extreme seclusion or extreme friendliness, those will come to mind.
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Well-known member
so if you're ugly and have SA, you're basically screwed out of a majority of jobs.

You need to find a job where you can be mostly left to yourself and not be bothered by other people and their 'personalities' that are usually fake and sad to watch.


so if you're ugly and have SA, you're basically screwed out of a majority of jobs.

You need to find a job where you can be mostly left to yourself and not be bothered by other people and their 'personalities' that are usually fake and sad to watch.

This has been my experience. I'm actually a night janitor at a local community college. The pay is dismal and it doesn't afford any luxuries, but I don't have to interact with very many people and I actually enjoy the solitude of those big, empty buildings. I spend my days sitting in the local library, checking out the internet.
I think people are so obsessed with reading personalities because it's the closest thing we have to mind reading. Initially, other then visual appearance, personality is really the only thing we have left to recognize as to what a person is all about.

I do think however that we judge personalities too harshly. Someone is labeled to have a ''good'' or ''bad'' personality way too fast. Behavioral traits, trail of thoughts, these are also linked to personality, but take allot more time to analyze.