why does people rather spread lies then hearing the truth.


Well-known member
I try telling them the problem I have with social anxiety which cause me to act the way I do. they act uninterested in my problem. I can see that as understandable, but why do they said that they don't want to hear my problems or issue but would rather hear a lie or rumor about my issue. these are the same people who spread and believe rumors that i'm slow and retarded.

they would rather spread lies telling people i'm retarded and slow but they don't want to hear the real cause which is anxiety. :question:
I have told people since the beginning about my problem but at the end of the day they will see it as just an excuse. Most people don't understand the problem or believe it's real and they will arrive to their own conclusions, which in most cases is that we are retarded, lazy, unfriendly, or the most popular, they believe that we think we are superior because we don't mix with them so they resent us.

Solutions? I wish I could tell you man :) When you find that magic potion give it me.


Well-known member
You can tell them your problems until you are blue in the face but if they don't have S.A they just will not understand. It is the same with extreme shyness unless you have it you cannot begin to understand the affect it has on people.