Why does life have to be unfair?


Well-known member
One thing that I have been struggling coming to terms with is why I have to have such trouble dealing with emotions.

In my early twenties I had issues with male-female relationships, and battled with getting emotional balance with this. Amazingly I succeeded and am still quite proud of my self.

Yet, since dealing with this, a time in which I spent most of my time isolated at home, I've been coming across a more long-term problem, and that is my anxiety and emotional control with people in general.

Dealing with the previous difficulty taught me a fair bit about how to solve problems and how my mind works; and I was all set to conquer this next problem -believing and hoping that, the skills in thinking that I had learned would help me cope with social anxiety as well as that it occurred to me that i would not be 'cursed' a second time.

I realise that there are many people who have been dealt much harder cards than I, and I accept this -however, there still exists a part of me that winges: "Why me? ...why should I have to deal with more than one major emotional problem?"

On top of this, I sometimes feel anger and resentment at how our society in general rewards people based on how things seem and 'results' -and how there is less respect given to a person based on how much they try. Everything is based on whether you appear succesful -if you have a job, many friends ...etc... And along with this, people tend to have the attitude that without these 'status' symbols, a person is a failure -that they are simply 'weaker' than others and lesser. Even terms like 'emotional intelligence', whereby the definition is given that, people lacking such intelligence have poor management over their emotions and a prone to anxiety. -I find that this can be misleading. And, like people can be prone to judging the down-and-out as 'lazy' or as 'weaker'/'lesser', there is the attitude that we simply aren't as smart or as hard-working as others. Again, it goes back to not appreciating that some people are simply given more to deal with. And if they struggle to cope, this is not out of the lack of will to end their sufferring, but because they have more to deal with.

....'Emotional Intelligence' is much easier to have when there is less emotion to manage and assert balance over. And too often people just label someone as 'dumb' or as 'lazy'. ...again, society in general judges by the outside and by how things appear.

Before I was sacked from my last place of employment, I was bullied by a pretty nasty co-worker. I believe I correctly guessed that this individual himself had strong emotional issues that he had not yet dealt with. Yet, his way of dealing with these was to pick on everybody else's weakness -and of course, me who was visibly struggling with feeling comfortable in the presence of others, was seen as 'the weakest link' (his phrasing). eventually, I was sacked, whilst this person continued at his job, just managing to keep the illusion that he was perfect.

...What kind of sanity is in a world that rewards those who appear 'normal' through making everybody else's lives around them a misery; whilst those who are more honest in taking responsibility for their faults are punished with losing their position, and then having to face prejudice as being unemployed and labelled by many/some as a 'loser'-?

I think I am in the midst of trying to create and believe in my own standards of what is 'normal' and 'fair'.

and I know that I simply have to accept that I have social anxiety as well as the previous emotional problem -more than one cross to bear, perhaps. And I also know that I have to see past all this prejudice and basing a person's worth on what they appear to be or have, as opposed to how much they have and are working for things.

In the meantime, before creating these new standards for defining what matters, I sometimes feel resentment and a sense of just how unfair life is.

That's all, really.


Well-known member
I can very much relate to what you're saying, Miss Muffet. Especially when you started talking about how others have been dealt really bad cards and yet still you feel worse off - that really struck a chord with me. It's a real burden to have to bear these kind of anxieties because they're so persistant, so ongoing. Every little interaction, every small activity, is dominated by SA or one of its relatives. It's so incredibly draining to a person, it saps all their strength, and I find myself becoming increasingly fatigued on a daily basis as a result of it.

The problem is that emotional suffering is truly the hardest - more so than money problems, relationship issues, or whatever else you can think of. It's like a personal hell - a bad dream that you can't shake off or wake up from no matter how hard you try.

I think in essence people are afraid of something like SA. In the case of your co-worker, he found something to sink his teeth into and take advantage of. And the frustrating thing is that nobody will ever know that he was the weak one instead of you. It's those sorts of things that make this type of anxiety really hard to deal with.


Well-known member
Hi Kinetik,

Thanks for your post. I really appreciate that someone understands how I feel.

I was in a shop a little while earlier today, and I thought of your words...
"It's like a personal hell -a bad dream that you can't shake off no matter how hard you try."

...I do feel like this and find it hard to remember feeling what it is like when interaction with others is free and the flow of emotions between me and people isn't blocked and strained.

I bought a ticket to see Pearl Jam today. I 'm very excited!! - which brings me to my next point - when I'm emmersed in anything musical or artistic I feel that emotional freedom and, although it doesn't eliminate the effects of SA, I feel it is like a channel, a way through that emotional block that I experience with people. ...Often I feel like I have so much emotion that I'm about to burst and that something artistic is a proper channel for allowing my feelings the freedom that lowers the tension within.

A few years back I hung around a few artistic types. I felt so at home with them. Many of them had what some would call 'issues'. One guy I was friends with was completely distraught at a break-up with his girlfriend. When I first met him, he had been crying. And I later notices scars on his wrists. And a girlfriend of mine could be termed promiscuous, in that she even kept a score of those she had slept with -'6 married men, and 5 of her friend's boyfriends' she told me with some pride. ...My other 'straight' firends would warn me against hanging around with them; but I treasure the time spent with such people. Firstly because I feel a kinship with them, and because I dislike when people lable others with 'oh, (s)he has ISSUES!' in that prejudiced way that they do. ...Well, I have issues!! And being that I've gotten through similar issues to the ones these friends were having, I see them differently. And I also see how much fun they were to be with -how full of emotion and poetry and art they were. They had something of value to teach about people and the real truth of what relationships are about.

...because no matter how much others may want to that believe relationships and people are simple with black-and-white rules and categories, there is so much more within people! And I value the emotion and passion within people who others might see as the 'downtrodden' and/or the 'low-lives'. ...I came to the conclusion some times ago that I'm something of a low-life and a down trodden person. Only I got over thinking that this was so shameful or that other people really were so different. -since when does having more emotion to get balance over make a person worse than others? It doen't really matter. And the rules that people judge others by end-up becoming redundant and how much a person tries and genuinely wants to be good and fair is the new measure for decency. That's something I am sure of.

So yeah, I listen to my Pearl Jam cds and get a lot of 'soul inspiration' from music and art and the people of it. And I have a special place in my heart for the artistic/low-life types who can't get their emotions together.

...Yet, I am not as confident about my self when it comes to my social anxiety. I am still working on seeing my self and people in the right light when it comes to this.

And yeah, as for that guy at work. He was a low-life type. I could see who he was behind what he was trying to pretend to be. And despite that I did get hurt to some extent (not that strong yet my self) the part of me that is wise and sure of my self sees past the magic tricks and illusions. So, whilst the weak part of me hurts knowing that people judge for the most part based on the way things appear and that some hide their weakness and insecurity by attacking this in others; the wise part of me knows that this is all smoke and mirrors. ...but I'm not as clear about this problem as I was about the previous one. Wish I was. But I'm trying my best.


Well-known member
Me again,
I'm really winging today.

I just came back from my parents house and my father was talking about George Bush. He used the words: 'George Bush was a real loser. He couldn't keep down a job. His father was really getting desparate with him and then....' this was done in the context that Bush is overall a dummy.

...now, perhaps I am simply too sensitive for my own good. Maybe I am. And maybe I am really insecure now. Yet, I would think that my father would have at least stopped after the first few words, realising that his daughter hasn't been able to keep down a job for 5 years. ...at least that would have been the compassionate thing to do. The insensitive and critical thing to do would have been to say such things because his own daughter fit such a description.

Maybe I'm just full of insecurity. I sometimes do experience trouble dealing with any criticism and find my self offended by people. Yet, to some degree and at least half the time I think my interpretations are correct.

...so I find my self wanting of courage to deal with what is felt as something of an onslaught on my self worth. ...I feel as though I already have the first problem of SA with the torment of feeling out of control, and people reacting in various negative ways to this. -But on top of this, I feel descriminated against on the basis that I have an emotional problem and have been out of work for some time.

It is like adding insult to injury. And I find my self feeling a contempt at the arrogance of others who somehow think that I am simply worthless and not trying hard enough -I am angry at their stupid arrogance in dismissing me. As if I wanted to experience what I am experiencing. As if I haven't been trying hard for a long time -probably forever- to combat my anxiety issues. -What do they think? That a person wants to suffer? So if my effort means nothing and I am just lesser and stupid -how stupid are they for thinking I asked to have such a struggle?! ...If I'm stupid then they are stupidER.

I find my self even wishing God to punish them. Because if I am sufferring for whatever is wrong with my thinking, I want God to treat them the same way. Then perhaps they will learn what life is really like and see things from the perspective of a "loser" who despite what they do can't get their life to work. -I hope their judgments come back to them.
They don't want to deal with me -'Why should I have to put up with this?" they ask in their heads when they dismiss a person with problems. But they have no compassion for the person dealing with them. At least they can switch off and turn away. I have to face things everyday. They add insult to injury. ...So I think that it would only be just that such people were hit with their own version of a baffling problem and personal difficulty and be treated with the same dismissal and arrogance that they have shown to others.

-Hallelujah, Praise the Lord!

I am really hurt and angry right now. And I just have to write how I feel.


Active member
well at least you people have a family to talk with,while me,i have no friends and no family to talk to and no job and no money too.im living with my sister and her family but the thing is even if we are living in the same house we dont talk talk that much..im not comfortable talking even with my own sister.so i have to find a place in the house that i can be all alone,just to avoid dealing with them.i even contemplating about suicide.i dont even believe in god anymore.i fell like i was born just to suffer this misery coz looking back over my life i cant remember a day that im free from this misery.its hard to think about life when you cant see any reason to live a life.life is unfair


Well-known member
Hi MissMuffet,

I know exactly how you feel and I’ve felt that way many times myself.

Not long ago, I went to a barbeque at my sisters and I just stood there in the middle listening to everyone. I was just amazed (not the first time) at the fake banter, the pointless jokes, the mindless chatter…all thinly veiled to try to show how superior, successful and perfect they each were. Not one person that entire night uttered a deep or significant word (or even admitted some kind of fault within themselves) as far as I know.

What is wrong with this world when the focus is always on the superficial? You are doing well if you are rich, have a good job, have many friends at the barbeque, can chatter mindlessly about pointless things? This world actually caters to people who are fake and lacking emotion and anxiety.

I grew up around snobby rich fake insensitive people, its no wonder I always felt so anxious and isolated around people.

What happens at the end when they die and realize their life what just a series of well paid insignificant jobs and mindless barbeques to brag about their well paid job? Most people die without finding anything significant about themselves. I would rather not be one of those people, if I can help it.

Many of us here struggle to even simply find a job that doesn’t create inner turmoil - while everyone else goes on about how they got promoted and how much money they make. It is unfair and cruel. But fuck it all…I would rather take my crappy job or lack thereof, my very few friends (or lack thereof) then live a life of pointless barbeques and insignificant pointless possessions. I would rather live more real, more deeper, more connected with what little I have.


Well-known member
I wouldn't say that life is unfair. I would say that life favors the confident.

Confident people get results.
Confident people make lasting relationships.
Confident people are able to get what they need from others.

Fortunately, you can train yourself to be confident. It's hard, but you can do it.

Also, the results vs. try portion of your post really irked me. It would make no sense for society to reward simply trying. This isn't elementary school. People who try but get few results are a drain on everyone else. If you hired a guy to mow your lawn, would you call him back if he tried really hard, but ended up doing an incomplete job? Would you go back to a restaurant that tried to make good food, but it tasted off? Would you subscribe to an internet server that tried to have your lines up all the time, but they kept going down?

Results are really all that matters.

Some people try and get no results - that's the worst place to be. They do not deserve rewards, either.

Some people try and get results - this the place that builds character. They deserve rewards.

Some people DON'T try and end up getting results. I hate them ;)

Most people die without finding anything significant about themselves. I would rather not be one of those people, if I can help it.

Many of us here struggle to even simply find a job that doesn’t create inner turmoil - while everyone else goes on about how they got promoted and how much money they make. It is unfair and cruel. But fuck it all…I would rather take my crappy job or lack thereof, my very few friends (or lack thereof) then live a life of pointless barbeques and insignificant pointless possessions. I would rather live more real, more deeper, more connected with what little I have.
This is a load of bull. You vastly underestimate how deep "normal" people can be. Lots of SA sufferers think that because they 'suffer', they are somehow more deep or 'real' than normal folk. It ain't true. Everyone has pain on some level, and NEARLY everyone finds lots of deep and significant things about themselves. You, as a SA sufferer, are just too shy to develop relationships with those people to the point where you find that out.


Well-known member
Falcon said:
Also, the results vs. try portion of your post really irked me. It would make no sense for society to reward simply trying. This isn't elementary school. People who try but get few results are a drain on everyone else. If you hired a guy to mow your lawn, would you call him back if he tried really hard, but ended up doing an incomplete job? Would you go back to a restaurant that tried to make good food, but it tasted off? Would you subscribe to an internet server that tried to have your lines up all the time, but they kept going down?

Results are really all that matters.

Thank you for illustrating her point :p You liken human nature and trials to that of the superficial business world - Which is precisely the problem. People aren’t products and they arnt selling themselves for the benefit of others. Why judge another if they arnt getting the same ‘results’ as you? They aren’t mowing your lawn, they are standing on your lawn trying to be your friend.

This is a load of bull. You vastly underestimate how deep "normal" people can be. Lots of SA sufferers think that because they 'suffer', they are somehow more deep or 'real' than normal folk. It ain't true. Everyone has pain on some level, and NEARLY everyone finds lots of deep and significant things about themselves. You, as a SA sufferer, are just too shy to develop relationships with those people to the point where you find that out.

:) The only friends I’ve ever had are these so called normal people :p Probably a little exaggerated, but I do get frustrated when I try to develop a deeper relationship and I continually hit a brick wall. I’m not talking about everyone or all these so called normal people, I’m talking about the superficial fake who’s focus is on money, stature…and ahem…results.

And yes, it is my opinion that suffering does create a deeper sense of yourself.


Well-known member
Thank you for illustrating her point You liken human nature and trials to that of the superficial business world - Which is precisely the problem. People aren’t products and they arnt selling themselves for the benefit of others. Why judge another if they arnt getting the same ‘results’ as you? They aren’t mowing your lawn, they are standing on your lawn trying to be your friend.
I was speaking of results professionally. And people ARE products who ARE selling themselves for the benefit of others. Every time you have done something in expectation of something else, like gone to work for money, you have proved my point.

But the same applies to social relationships.

If a guy is trying to hard to be my friend, but for some reason I still don't like him much, why should I reward him for trying? I'm not going to hang out with someone whose company I don't enjoy, regardless of how hard they've tried to make me enjoy it.

Results are all that matters.

The sooner you guys realize this, the sooner you will stop wondering why "life is unfair".


Well-known member
Hi Falcon,

There is some degree of confusion and a misunderstanding with communication here. I think that you have interpreted what I wrote differently to what I was thinking of when I wrote it.

And I also think that your meaning is a little confused or otherwise it is simply that I find your meaning unclear and confusing...

On the one hand you say that you think 'results matter' but that you are only referring to 'the professional world' when you say this, but then you appear to contradict your self when you then say- '...and the same applies to social relationships'. ...I find this confusing, or confused. But I think that what you were trying to say was that: we should not judge a person's self worth based upon how good/bad they are at a particular role, yet neither fool ourselves into denying their inadequacy or lack of suitability to a particular role. -In fact, the two statements agree with each other...Or, if you like: there exists more to a person than what results they can achieve at a particular task/at a time.

Also, you write:-
"Results are all that really matters"
and then you write:-
"Some people DON"T try and end up getting results. I hate them"

...but why should you hate people who get results if, according to you, results are all that matter and trying makes no difference-? ...It seems that using your own kind of words, that you are in fact expressing the same sentiment as me, but do not see that you are!!!
..being that you express annoyance at life judging a person's self worth based upon what they achieve without them actually having worked to achieve it.

Regarding your saying that my opinion about 'results vs trying' irked you...
I spoke of resentment that the person at work (who was overtly nasty towards others and likewise made no attempt to try to fit in with others), because I was acknowledging a simple fact -which is that life is unfair. Indeed, the world could be called 'insane' :wink: . ...but, what is wrong with making this accurate observation? It only depends where this is taken to next...and, of course, what CONTEXT such a sentiment and observation is given and seen in :p

So, I can acknowledge what I believe you are 'trying' ( :D !!) to convey: the fact that life IT SELF is unfair (and in its unfairness overall, is therefore then fair for all... eventually through time!!) ...and I completely agree with you. ...Since an individual, like the one at my previous workplace, gets the results but he does so by stepping over everybody else. Because the world is not fair. And in this sense and context, when you say 'results matter' you are right.

There is a paradox underlying concepts like, 'fair and unfair' and 'results vs attempt'. And it is one thing to base oneself upon 'results' (which leads to a 'kill or be killed' ruthless mentality and only creates winners at the expense of losers; and by its nature sets up the dynamic that would lead to such a person being 'nothing' when life found a way to turn the tide on them) and an entirely different thing to talk about the desire for 'results' without the attachment towards 'results' defining who a person is and their self worth. And it is possible to fully acknowledge a person as inadequate at a particular role or task, without judging them as an inadequate human being.

And where I currently am at in terms of accepting this paradox, that sees and accepts the unfairness of life within an overall fairness, is that I am still in the process of judging value according to 'attempt' in order to get 'results'. The message that I get from your post is that: no body but me can create this set of values for my self. And until I am confident and have properly established this belief for my self, I will become swayed by those who judge self-worth by looks and 'results' -until I am confident enough that 'attempt' and not 'results' matter, 'results' and those who judge me by them, will have some effect on the confidence that I have developed. So yes, of course, I am guilty of a degree of hypocrisy, when I say that I believe 'attempt' and not 'results' matter. Obviously I am not completely convinced -otherwise I would more easily and consistently shrug off other judgments...But I've stated that I have not established my own set of values well enough. And in the meantime, life IS unfair and people who do not try, even to the point of deliberately stepping on others, keep their job and their status; whilst others who put effort in themselves to change, until they have fully achieved this, are sometimes judged as having done nothing at all. That is, hypocrisy goes deep with people, but there are varying degrees of it also. And the overall fairness to the unfairness of life -or karma and balance correcting it self- does not happen all at once. No wonder that life is tough.


Well-known member
LittleMissMuffet said:
Hi Falcon,

There is some degree of confusion and a misunderstanding with communication here. I think that you have interpreted what I wrote differently to what I was thinking of when I wrote it.

And I also think that your meaning is a little confused or otherwise it is simply that I find your meaning unclear and confusing...

On the one hand you say that you think 'results matter' but that you are only referring to 'the professional world' when you say this, but then you appear to contradict your self when you then say- '...and the same applies to social relationships'. ...I find this confusing, or confused. But I think that what you were trying to say was that: we should not judge a person's self worth based upon how good/bad they are at a particular role, yet neither fool ourselves into denying their inadequacy or lack of suitability to a particular role. -In fact, the two statements agree with each other...Or, if you like: there exists more to a person than what results they can achieve at a particular task/at a time.
My point, which I may not have communicated correctly, is that results matter more than trying, in all aspects of life. I would agree that we should not judge a person's value as a person by their performance in any particular role. In fact, judging people's value as people is something we probably just shouldn't do at all, and I can't imagine how to really do it anyway. But at the same time, if someone sucks as a lawyer or a boyfriend, we shouldn't reward them for trying. I'm not making any value judgements about a person themself. Make sense?

Also, you write:-
"Results are all that really matters"
and then you write:-
"Some people DON"T try and end up getting results. I hate them"
I put a winky smiley after "I hate them", it was a joke. Jealous of them, perhaps - I'd like to get great results without trying. LOL.

...but why should you hate people who get results if, according to you, results are all that matter and trying makes no difference-? ...It seems that using your own kind of words, that you are in fact expressing the same sentiment as me, but do not see that you are!!!
Because trying requires expenditure of effort. Wow I sure would like to be able to snap my fingers and have a steak dinner appear. It would require me barely trying at all. I'd love that. But if I were a chef, my customers shouldn't care if I had to just snap my fingers, or if I actually had to cook the steak. My effort is irrelevant to the results the customers receive. Well, okay, in this case, I might get them the food a lot faster if I could just snap my fingers, lol. An imperfect analogy.

See my point? To someone who pays for a product or service, trying is irrelevant, they just want the results. As someone who PRODUCES the product or PERFORMS the service, then yeah, of course I'd like to be able to do it whilst expending as little effort as possible.

As for the rest of your post, sure, we are all humans and feel emotions. And yes, if I ran a business and one my employees was working late all the time and visibly frustrated, but still able to produce very little, I'd have some sympathy for them. I might try sending them to some training, my theory being that IF I could train them to actually produce results, then the spirit that they have demonstrated might make them a model employee. But in the end, if they still don't produce results, no amount of trying would get me to retain them on staff.

So I do agree with you, strong attempts without results CAN be good, in that they demonstrate spirit or willpower. But that can only take one so far - eventually someone needs to have results.

I don't think life is unfair. It only appears unfair when you compare yourself to other people. Wow, that guy is good looking. Wow, that girl has so many friends. Wow, that couple is so wealthy. Sheesh. How about "What am I going to do today to better myself?"


Well-known member
Hi Falcon,

I don't think that we actually see things so differently. And i think that there is just a difference in the use of words. And most of all in the approach that we take. ....Almost like, we have a different religion you and I, but we're just taking a different angle to look at the same overall perspective.

For example, I say 'life is unfair' so that I can accept not getting anywhere results-wise and see that underneath how things look that I am working and that I do have something for my self.

And, it really is a paradox how we understand ideas like 'results vs attempt' , fairness and unfairness.

...I've been through a big trial before, and my way of getting past bad times to see good times, involved my accepting 'life is unfair' in the sense that I saw that this is/and or would be true for everybody; instead of just thinking that it was this way for me alone. ...So, I guess that people tend to approach the same accpetance and understanding often using their own sense of what words mean. ...its a bit abstract, but it reminds me of athiesm vs spirituality. A lot of atheists like Buddhism and Buddhism is in a sense like believing in no God. Yet, the principles in, say, Christianity and Buddhism are alike. The approach is different. ...Atheist would tell me that they disbelieve Christianity because it suggests that something outside of the individual determines who the individual is ...yet, this is more about their view of christianity since it is not what i believe. And it is easy for me to misinterpret what they say because of the approach they take and the difference in describing what really is the same set of values and goals.

I can't really explain what I mean with all the above. Maybe what I am trying to explain is how much perception and individual viewpoint can make us think that others are contradicting our beliefs, but that on close look you can see that they say the same thing but use different words just as their approach begins from a different position. (anyhow, i think I get what I mean here -even if my words aren't perfect! :wink: )