Why do i shake so much???


Well-known member
Ok my main problem is in front of others i shake, eating, drinking,smoking whatever in front of others makes me shake
Believe it or not i am a nurse, don't know how i managed it and lets face it who wants an injection off someone with the shakes?
Sometimes i just want to curl up and die, the only things that controls it a little is medication and alcohol, my GP has even tried to find a physical caus but there's none. I can't face another year of this


Well-known member
I tend to shake if im put in anxious situations or if i have to interact infront of more than one person, i feel self concious and i think its a release of adrenalin that makes me shake
My nerves arnt so good at the best of times though

Does it only happen in certain situations for example performing something infront of people or do you think this is more of a physical problem than psychological?

Some days ill feel like ive had a barrel full of caffiene and i cant explain why i shake because there are no people around me

My hands are actually shaking a little right now if i hold them out, its not bad but they are shaking lol, its odd hmmm

Nerves of jelly beans......or something!

I wish the dr would prescribe me something for my nerves, time and time ive told him about my nerves but because im young he doesnt want to know i think


Well-known member
I know deep down it's psychological, that's why i get so depressed about it i've had this for the past 15 years and it's the one thing that really gets to me


Well-known member
loucat said:
It won't be pretty :!:

I'd consider it good if you just didn't inject me.

I shake a lot too; not all the time, but I know it's frustrating. My mom shakes as well, not because of SA, but because of arthritis. No one really notices it and I know I don't think any less of her. Oh, she was a nurse too


Well-known member
I get upset because i feel SA holds me back, and that i'd be a much better nurse if i didn't have this problem
i hate seeing my colleagues so confident when doing certain procedures and i know they don't necessarily give a shit about the job :twisted:


New member
My hands are shaky as well and much worse during situations that would make one nervous. It's been like this for as long as I can remember. Today I got pulled over for expired plates and the cop told me that he thought I had warrants or drugs on me since my hands were shaking so bad. When I told him that I had an anxiety disorder and that I knew that he had ran my info and therefore knew that I didn't have any warrants, he understood.

I've had my thyroid checked and it came back clean, so I'm guessing it's not that. What's even more odd is that most of the time my left hand shakes more than my right. Anyone else have that problem?


Active member
my friend has a problem with shaking too, especially in situations like when she has to read out in front of the class her hands shake so much the piece of paper shes holding wobbles up and down. she finds the shaking is worse when she doesnt get much sleep or if she hasnt eaten in a while


Well-known member

You have to tell as many people as possible...

Sound dawnting? Of course it does. Its worse when you try and hide it. The problem magnifies a million times over. All that nervous energy or anxiety builds up like a volcano.

If people see you shaking, say so. Some wont even notice but if they do tell them your shaking.

You probably see this as a failure because you believe it holds you back. You need to change this view and accept that you do shake, to me its like your fighting it, getting annoyed that you shake. If you view it as something you can actually gain from it wont be such a burden and you will naturally come to accept it.

What do you gain from the experience of shaking apart from problems? You gain valuable experience of yourself and how others feel, just posting your realised that there are others who feel the same. You gain qualities that matter in life through understanding, compassion for others with similar experiences, patience in enduring it and strength through overcoming it, which you will. And when someone posts here and says hi i shake what do i do, you will be the expert and help them out, how cool!

Good luck



Well-known member
i think everyone shakes in varying degrees depending on how nervous they are its normal. most people just arent nervous that often and thats where shyness, SA etc comes in.


Active member
well u have to accept it cuz all ppl have different abbilitys n different dissabilitys so u shouldnt worry bout it n dont let it get 2 u


Active member
well u have to accept it cuz all ppl have different abbilitys n different dissabilitys so u shouldnt worry bout it n dont let it get 2 u


Well-known member
i'm a bit better now than i used to be, before i couldn,t eat in front of others,write or anything without shaking. It just gets me down when i start shaking, i feel like a freak. I have this problem since i was 10, at one point it was so bad i couldn't eat in front of my own family cos i was shaking so much, and i can definately identify with the girl who shakes whilst presenting a speech in class.
seeing the replies in here makes me realise this affects others too, yet i,ve never noticed it in others, perhaps i spend too much time obsessing abiut myself :oops:


Well-known member
I used to shake reading infront of class i hated it, the memories tear me up inside to this present day

I also cannot eat infront of others, i cannot hold the knife and fork still i am so concious about shaking
I used to take sandwhiches to school

One christmas dinner my neice and b/f came over to my mums and there was all 3 of us sat at the table, i had 2 mouth fulls and i had to leave i couldnt stop shakin, i had to make out i was feeling sick :oops:

It really gets me down because people think im being arrogant / selfish when i dont eat at the table :cry: