I try to be nice and all. But OMG, they are all backstabbing bit.ches. Seriously, enough is enough. I am tired of them having fun with my mom's money while if i ask my mom for a party or something she complains. Her family is in latin america, and if one of her grandkids asks for a party, clothes, jewelry shes so happy to give it to them. I walk around with ripped pants and if i ask for anything she says i am conceited. My aunt...that lives in latin america is always telling my mom what to do and that is ruining my life. My father on the other hand, is rude and has no heart. He doens't love us and i can't even ask him for 4 dollars without having him talk shi.t. I am only 16 years old and they act as if i am a grownup that should be working to get some money. My parents don't financially support me, mentally and emotionally. While my 18 year old niece...gets everything she wants because my mom gives it to her. My mom says that i am conceited but WAIT, her niece walks around dressing all nice and i look and dress all crappy. SHe prefers them and i am fukin tired of that shy.t. I just want to fukin dissapear!!!!!!!!!