Who should I see about HH?


So I scheduled an appointment with my family physician to talk about my HH, and she was dead-set on saying that the condition is entirely mental and I just need to learn to control it, and offered me a psychiatrist's name..

I seem to sweat a ton from everywhere, specifically neck and forehead, but in severe episodes, I can sweat a lot from pretty much anywhere if not everywhere on my body.

If I am trying to get medication such as robinul, would a psychiatrist really be able to help me with that? Do I just need to find a more understanding doctor?

It's kind of irritating hearing someone say I can overcome this with just my mind when I have already spent 10+ years of my life trying to control it. I'm also considering topical treatments, I used drysol when I was younger to no avail, but have come across hydrosal, which I heard can be pretty effective too..
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driping jon

Well-known member
hi pngwin,i found when i asked my doc about hh he looked numb lol. i told him i had looked it up and i wanted a script for prob tabs to try or i will just buy online anyway ,he was not interested,i got my script


Well-known member
Yeah, most doctors don't have a clue. My derm just went on about dry mouth, as if that was worse than HH (it isn't). Here I can get Avert OTC, but my nice family doctor gives me a script so I can claim it.
Hello there,

Living with hyperhidrosis can be hard. I run a HH support group, we are a great bunch of people who all sweat. We can help you over the embarrassing aspect of living with HH and give you friendship and support.

This Dr your going to see does not know anything about HH I can tell you that now. Where do you sweat? Anxiety does make our sweating worse but if you sweat most of the year round chances are you suffer with HH. It is a medical condition, over 178 million suffer from this around the globe.

come and visit our website and forum, hang in there and we talk about what to ask at the Dr's office.

hang in there , your not alone xxx


Very Sweaty Betty

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