Who here is Christian?


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Coming to church late actually makes me more anxious... I have to come early and just sit down in the back. Everyone has tolook and see who just came in if your late and it REALLY sucks you walk in and the pastor is praying...


Well-known member
wingcharm said:
I was baptized as Catholic but I am not for RELIGION really... no, I am not an atheist because I ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE IN THE EXISTENCE OF GOD.... but you see, I just don't want myself to be bound by the laws or teachings of my own Church. For me, it's not about Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah, Buddah etc., for me, what's important is the wisdom that I get from the teachings of those religions and my own faith. If i want to worship God, I will do it in my own personal way. Religion just serves as a guide for my whole spiritual being.
Anyway, one thing that I hate about Religion is it just divides people. And I just see it so immature when people argue about their religion. They just keep on telling that their Religion is the best. But you see, there will be no perfect religion! Why don't we just focus on our own morality. After all, God intended us to be united and not to have stupid argument about Religion.

I don't understand this part. I thought the whole point of a religion was for people to get together who already agree that a particular morality was presented to us by God, and worship. I'm not sure about the whole "focus on our own morality". Maybe you mean for people to just work it out themselves, instead of in a group setting? Religion and church has helped be grow as a Christian. No way would I be where I am spiritually if I never went to church. True, there is group think in religion, but that's true of all groups, religious or not.[/b]


Well-known member
My dad grew up Baptist, my mum grew up Jewish. That makes me Jewish, but otherwise i think religion isn't really of any good use.


I'm a christian. I believe in the bible mainly because of the prophecies, secondly because of my own experiences with God and answered prayers etc, and thirdly because the world makes the most sense to me when aligned with the bible's teachings. [plus other various reasons]. I believe God is beyond our imaginations. I believe he created the universe, and if he wanted to part the red sea I'm sure he could manage it. My life pretty much revolves around searching for God, learning more about him and trying to hear his voice.....yet still my most common emotions are depression, anxiety and discouragement.

I pray every morning and night, I go to church every sunday, I go to bible study, because I am hungry to discover what is, in my opinion, the only thing worth searching for in life. At times I feel euphoric, after glimpsing new truths and revelations of God, but often I feel hopeless and confused when reality doesn't seem to match up with how I feel it should be. People are imperfect and make mistakes. The truth is in the rubble somewhere.


Well-known member
sketchy24 said:
Coming to church late actually makes me more anxious... I have to come early and just sit down in the back. Everyone has tolook and see who just came in if your late and it REALLY sucks you walk in and the pastor is praying...

Luckily for me the first 30min of my church is praise and worship. The music is loud, the lights are low (except on stage), and there are entrances in the back and on the sides of the church. When you walk in no one even notices.


I was raised catholic, went to catholic schools all my life, and considered myself a Christain most of my life. But then I lost faith and became an atheist. It was a gradual transition though.

Now I think religion and belief in God is just silly.