
Hello all,

Gosh am I relieved that this is over! I am still a bag of nerves but glad it has been aired.
I am glad now Toni we made it, even though we were doubting our self's. I think it was the unknown that made it worse. I am still in the unknown stage having not viewed it myself. I think RAW could have mailed mine out early to receive it for today.
Gosh I don't feel so freakish or alone anymore. It's amazing how many there are of us that really suffer.
I think it is worse being a woman with this too. It's manly to sweat......
Reading some of the posts sounds like my life. I too gave up my job as a dental nurse. It was just getting so bad and I'd make mistakes because of the sweating. I also had a bad back and had to have back surgery 2 years ago. I am fortunate that I don't have to work and I worry the day I do. It's finding something that you have hardly any movement with or in a cool place all day long.
If I could I'd leave Texas tomorrow. I know that is not the right place for someone with HH to live. I lived in Singapore for 4 years and that was a nightmare too. The humidity just kills me and like Beverly said anything over 60 we go into overdrive.
I hate to think what I'm going to be like in menopause????
I too have to really shop around for clothing. My whole body is wet most of the day long. I wear nothing but black pants. Any other colour and the sweat shows through.
I tend to wear heavy pattens that don't show so much sweat around the pits or neckline.

I am so glad we have all come together on this and made new friends.

Anne oxoxoxox


Well-known member
hey girl!!!

how the hell are ya? (((hugs!)))

been thinking of all of us ETS'ers, but been in a private living hell with my living situation--so needless to say i've not been great company.

you're 100% right about texas. it's barely may and the temp is rising. I dread july-september. feel it will be hotter this year then past ones.

hang in there hon! u ever get to houston let me know ;-)
