wheres the best place to find girls?


Well-known member
i want to meet a girl. not for a one night stand, but like, to become friends with. no clubs though. would a bar be a good place?


Well-known member
The more outgoing you are, the more you'll consequently meet new people. Getting involved with something local could be a good way - however, I'd NEVER stoop so low as to go to a bar in order to pick up women! I mean, not that I'm of legal age to drink yet... but that's just not my style. Rather go without ;)


Well-known member
Coffee shop is a quiet setting. Bring a laptop and hang out there often.

Also if you have a dog go to the park and play with him :lol: Pets are really easy to talk about if you're an animal lover.


Well-known member
Where you find people you find girls oddly enough. They are not a alien race (contrary to popular belief among men) :wink: .


Well-known member
Seems like, with 50% of girls, that if you aren't a 9 or 10 they aren't interested. Seems like the rest care about wit or money.