when was your first attack?

my first panic attack happened to me in the 2nd grade when some nasty girl got sick three times in my classroom and i felt trapped. like i couldnt escape no matter what i did. my mom had to pull me out of the car just to get me to walk inside the school after that incident. :(

when was your first attack and what was it like?
I wasn't aware of what a panic attack was growing up. I can't say much thought at all was going through my head. I've always been something of a loner. I would have little attacks like whether or not it would be wise to speak at a certain time in class. I was so concerned with embarrassing myself that I usually did it regardless because I wasn't really paying attention or I didn't care. Eventually I cared less and less.

So if you were to ask me what that was like, I would have to say it felt oppressive. I look back at my issues and how they effected me without me being aware of it and it makes me feel like I have less control over my body and mind than I think I do. But the way I figure it is that with that understanding I can be more careful and adjust... I read an article that asked you to list on paper all of the things you are not, and it occured to me then that I am not my body, I am not my emotions, and I am not my mind. I am simply an observer.

That is the difference between how I felt then and how I feel now.

Not sure if it's the direct answer you were looking for though... sorry. I'm just an incomplete person trying to figure things out.