its interesting to observe how my folks work, ive noticed that my mum will change her opinions so that it doesn't offend my dad who is extremely sensative to his own beliefs, if someone doesnt agree with him on any topic then he fires up and loses control, my folks also have no interests in music or art or sport, my dad works a job that he despises and comes home angry, its the angry old man mentality that he carries with him every day, so material wise my parents have been supportive but relationship wise and friendship wise they seemed to miss the point of parenting, i dont blame them for any of my problems but they certainly dont help at all with their attitudes, for example because i accidentally left the milk out for a half an hour i have been told that i must wake up at 8.00 am every morning and if im even one minute over 8.00am then ill have to pack my bags and move out, this is the kind of drama i live with every day and its motivating me to move out like never before, im glad your folks arn't like this, i think that its way over the top