When lies arise

How to deal with betrayal? I really need to know the answer to that question because right now I'm dealing with the choice of fight or flight. Though there was no sex involved. My husband (that I believe has dependent personality disorder) lied to me, multiple times, about sending sexual content via text and photo. If it hadn't been for my gut feeling and me telling him what I felt happened. I would have never know. Now that I do know, I don't know what to do. I don't deal well with this kind of stuff and mind is sloppy mess of emotions. Half of me wants to stay and fight. The other half...I'm pretty sure you can guess. He's a good guy other wise and he's said that he's willing to do whatever it takes, but I don't know if I should believe him. I've been married before (yeah I know I'm young but I'm in the military. You got be quick to stay alive when it comes to relationships.) and he cheated on me. After I found out I figured I could let it go but eventually it got to much to handle. I was angry all the time, I was doing poorly at work, but he was reaping the benefit of having a supportive wife at his side while I was dying inside. I don't want that again but I also don't feel it would be right to quit. No relationship is easy and any relationship worth having has its ups and downs. Right? I have read that people with avoidant personality disorder have an even harder time dealing with frustration. Has anyone had this kind of problem? Is so any advice would be great.

*A little something I wrote when I first found out

When I wake in the morning,
I feel the knives dig deep,
Deep down to the pit of me.

The knives from the lies,
So many felt they needed to tell me.

Lies that lasted years,
Lies that conjured up fears,
Lies that were painful to the ears.
Were they just trying to spare me the tears?

Inevitable tears that were to come
Weather it was a day, a month, or
just a missle ole year.

What's a year in lie?
If it never comes out
isn't it surely to die?

Could the pain truly get worst
from its beginning until it's cold
and dead in it's hurst?

Does the truth mend?
What's laid to waste by
what lies decide not to take.

The holes left in the souls of
more then the one victim it
ment to incapacitate.

The guardians, spouses, children,
and household pets left to deal
with the subconscience strain of
abandonment and regret.

Raised in the suppressed regret
to continue on with lies cruel
game of Russian Reulette.

Just one bullet and bam, you'll never forget.

When the sun rises and the birds
begins to sing that bullet will feel
like a knife straight down to your
pit reminding you of yet another
one of lies victories.


Well-known member
i'm so sorry you're stuck in this situation =/

honestly, you have to decide if you're happy or not... no relationship and no situation is worth fighting for if you're not happy... happy is such a simple word, it's so overused, but life is short, and sometimes you really do have to look out for #1, or you'll just be miserable :(
i know how you feel about the lying.. i've had boyfriends do the same kind of thing to me, with no sex involved.. but it still kills me and i've learned that i just don't handle that type of thing. but for me, they were boyfriends, it wasn't a marriage, it was much easier for me to decide to move on, so i see where you're having a lot of trouble... sometimes, that kind of thing just eats away at us and makes things worse and worse.. and it's especially hard to believe "i'll do whatever it takes" when it's coming from someone who's recently hurt you so badly... you just have to decide if it's worth it.. if you can trust that he won't do it anymore. if you know that he realizes how wrong he was and how much it hurt you.

i wish i could make it easier for you, but times like this you really have to think about your own well being and how much you're willing to fight for or how much you're willing to put up with... =/