Whats the *Funniest/Wierdest* Thing You Did Because Of SA?


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It's good to recognize my quirks in the postings on this site - I thought it was just me.
This is an odd one (sorry not funny) but it the most recent so it is still vivid. I sometimes seem to forget my limitations because I avoid embarrassment for so long I think I've 'gotten better'. So I felt bold enough to add a shop class. I had tools that I didn't know how to use and there was an adult basic shop class in town so I showed up. I went early to add the class. I waited in line to add the class and after I did, I sat down in the relatively empty room. I thought there were so few people, I could make a fool of myself hammering my thumb etc. and no one would notice. Then...the door opened and the room flooded with a steady stream of people (the door didn't close between arrivals) until I was hemmed in on all sides. Many seemed to know each other. I wanted to bolt and I KNEW there was no way I was taking the class. No WAY to fly below radar there. So I got back in the same line to drop the class. The look on the instructors face - he wanted to ask me what I was doing and I acted like there was NOTHING strange about my behavior and JUST LET ME DROP THE CLASS in my eyes. So - about 4 minutes (max) after adding the class, I dropped it.


Well-known member
Just recently, I got an email from an old friend of mine (who I haven't seen for 6 years and rarely get emails from) asking me to call her as she 'had some news'. I'm pretty sure she's getting married and is going to invite me to her wedding, so I'm ignoring her email and screening my calls to avoid talking to her!

There's no way I can go to a wedding so if I do get an invite I'm going to lie and make up some excuse not to go, even though she'll probably be pissed at me.

Part of me says 'just go' and put up with the 3 or 4 hours of torture, but then I envisage how uncomfortable it will be and just can't do it.

All this obsessing and I'm not even 100% that she's getting married! Do I win the award for being most tragic?


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false said:
I need more time to think of the funniest / saddest one but one thing I always did in college was this: if I was even ONE minute late to clase, I wouldn't go in, I just was not able to walk past everyone already sitting down, EVERY single eye following me, lol.

I used to do that as well. Happened a few times, even if I live close to school.


Well-known member

i also used to hide in the toilets alot if i had a supply teacher. everyone would mess around in the class and talk to eachother whilst i was sitting in the corner, mute, left out and watching everyone, so i asked the supply teacher if i could go to the toilet and i stayed in there for like 20 minutes so the supply teacher got someone from the class to look for me, eventually this girl found me, she knocked on my toilet door and asked me if i was doing a shit, so i said "yeah" :oops: its funny how i'm more embarrsed to tell someone i've got sa than to tell someone i'm doing a shit....even when i'm not


Well-known member
Recently,about three weeks ago ,after seeing so many fliers of the psychology clinic in the UAF ,I decided to pay it a visit,as they don't charge much. I was supposed to look for room 214 in one of the main buildings in campus,and it seemed like a high number so I thought the room was upstairs so I took the elevator and a girl who had been walking in front of me for a while also got into the elevator. When the door closed she asked me "which floor?" and I just got all nervous and stuttered while looking at the buttons "mmmh,ahh,Let's do 6" and hit the button ,then my face turned more red each floor and I felt so stupid because I wasn't sure of where the hell I was going and thought she would think I was just following her because I acted in a weird way.
At the end ,I realized the room I was looking for was just one set of stairs down from the main floor.


false said:
I need more time to think of the funniest / saddest one but one thing I always did in college was this: if I was even ONE minute late to clase, I wouldn't go in, I just was not able to walk past everyone already sitting down, EVERY single eye following me, lol.

I usually was extremely early, like 10 + minutes early to each class because of this. But I also missed quite a few classes because of various things making me late.

I have done this several times as well, I just can't walk in with the class full, I am usually early as well, I am still in college now in my senior year. I have gone to the room a few times, but never have had the guts to just walk in besides one time. I hate being the center of attention and its hard not to be when everybody is staring at you walking in.


Well-known member
Something a did today, sent me lmfao on my long walk back home . . . . . Long story short. I had caught the bus back with my only gf, we are both new and timid to dating, we began slowly starting to rub each others hands, when all of a sudden, this guy who knows us from our grade boards the bus. I moved away to another seat away from before he could notice. I had choosen originally to get off at my gf's stop . . . . which is very far from my place, and we both chuckled when he asked me peculiarly . . . why i hadn't gotten off at my stop. I made up that i was gettin off at the next stop, to see my tutor in the library :roll: . . . . . . So in the end i got off at a stop a very far walk from my place . . . . and couldn't even walk my gf back, or continue sittin with her, just so i could avoid giving him any idea that i was dating a girl (our date is secretive). Eitherway, my gf who understands . . . . just giggled and chuckled, as i laughed my way for an hour back home at my own stupidity . . . . and the sticky situations i can get in with her.


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Sometimes when im chatting with someone online, if i get anxious, i suddenly log out and close chat without even saying somethin. Then if i ever get to chat him/her again, i say my computer had crashed last time.


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When I started kindergarten for the first time, (I was oblivious to the fact that I was going to start today) I was too shy to say anything to anyone. I had found a nice red chair to hide behind, then the music teacher came in and sat in it. I was stuck there through the whole class. Worst part was that he realized that I was there during attendance and just wouldn't let me passed.

I also open mouth kissed a horse once!


Active member
one time in primary school (i was about 6) i was late to school, and i got to class to notice there was no one there. i realised that everyone was in assembly and i'd have to walk in infront of not only the class but the whole primary school! I was so scared I cried and hid in the classroom and then another girl came in and saw me and asked me why i was there and not at assembly! So i ended up having to go with her and walk in in front of everyone with a red face and everyone knew i'd cried :?

sometimes when i'd get the bus, the bell wouldn't work when i wanted to get off and people would see me push it but it didn't make a noise so the driver didn't know to stop.
so i'd sit there like a dumbass until someone else needed to get off which could be miles away and get off at the same time as them, and i'd have to walk forever!


Well-known member
Ah its so comforting reading all this. I've done a lot of hiding in toilets and the like.
The worst thing was when I worked in a bookshop and when another person quit I had to answer the phones waaaaay more. I'd shake and my brain went to mush. Once a woman rang up and asked to order a book. I stammered for a bit and then for some strange reason I told her "you can't order books from a bookshop"
WHAT!?!? :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops::oops:
I can just about see the funny side of it now but it was terrible at the time. Understandably I left shortly after.

Shonen_Yo said:
I also open mouth kissed a horse once!
because of social anxiety??? 8O


Well-known member
My dormroom is at the end of a long hallway, but there is a stairwell right outside of my door. When I first moved in I went into that stairwell and down to the first floor, but found that it didn't lead outside and that there was only the main staircase that lead out to the front door. So instead of just going back up to my floor (I live on the 2nd floor) I went up and extra set of stairs to the 3rd floor to walk down the long hallway to the main staircase that lead outside. There were people in the hallway when I entered the first stairwell and if I went back to my floor I would've had to walk by them and they would've realized that I just went into the wrong stairwell for no reason.

And wow, I have just done so many of the same things as you guys.

I sometimes go for walks around the city after my classes and when I first started going on these walks I didn't know my way around too well, so if I was heading in a direction that I didn't mean to go, instead of just turning around and going back where I came from I would have to go another street up and turn around because it was as if people around the area would be like "wow, this girl just walked by 2 minutes ago, why is she going back in that direction now?"
when i was in highschool, i had like 4 good friends i used sit with in classes and hang out with at lunch (ciggie break). Anyway one week none of my friends were at school, 2 went on a science camp, 1 was sick, dunno about the other one... It was a like a freak occurance! the planets must have aligned against me or some shit. So rather than look like a complete douchebag sitting by myself in class and at lunch, for the 2 days i was alone, I hiked out into the bush which was like 1 mile from the school and sat out there all day.... god them 5 hours were boring :roll:

ps. second day i came prepared with food and magazines..


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Re: Whats the *Funniest/Wierdest* Thing You Did Because Of S

Y said:
Mine is more sad than funny, but definitely wierd. I remember staying in the toilet at school for a whole lesson (about an hour). I had a close friend and that day he was absent, and the teacher couldnt come so we were free to do what we will , everyone started chatting , i remember being left alone, so i went to the toilet , stayed in the closet till the next lesson.

:/, thats even sad to remember...

oh i also did that :oops: i never stay for that long, but definitely used to hide in the toilet.


Well-known member
oh and you know what have i done today? well i was buying some candy in a tiny little shop and got quite nervous (oh my that shop assistant's watching me, she probably thinks i'm total freak etc.) and wanted to get outta the shop as quickly as possible. so i payed and got away immediatly. in that hurry i even forgot the stuuf i bought and my change in the shop. :lol:


Well-known member
My sister had one of her best friends round for the whole day one time and i was there. They spent all their time in the lounge and i was upstairs on the computer all the day. I didn't have anything to eat at lunch because i didn't want to come downstairs, passed the lounge where my sister's friend was and go into the kitchen to get something to eat. And by the time her friend went home, i was starving and was soo happy that she had gone home and i was glad that i could go downstairs again. :lol:


New member
HA! You bunch of freaks you warm my heart.
I too thought i was alone in taking such measures to avoid people thinking what i thought they might think. I do it a lot.
Once i climbed out of a small toilet window at party so i could leave without facing saying goodbye to people.


New member
years ago when I was in the early stages of SA, a few family members and friends took me fishing in a boat... hours went by and I eventually had to take a piss. normally everyone just stands on the edge of the boat and does their business, but not me... I purposely acted like I fell off the boat just so I could relieve myself underwater without anyone seeing me... :sigh: