What would you compensate for an anxiety free life?


Well-known member
I'd rather not have the decent level of intelligence I have to get rid of anxiety and have confidence/assertiveness in life. I'd probably suffice being in a dead end job if it meant no anxiety etc.

It's good to be in the know about on-going world events and taking an interest but I don't really vocalise my opinions within groups besides on Twitter, so that could be something I would give away.

I sometimes think why I was so different from my brothers who are the opposite of me..


Hie yer hence from me heath!
My cerebral palsy - not so much a trade-off, rather something I could do without.

I'd happily compensate all the abusive folk in my life for an anxiety free life. :sad:


not actually Fiona Apple
I feel like I made a trade off, I stopped caring so much about things and let go, and it lowered my life anxiety tremendously. I feel like I overcompensated though, now there are things I don't care enough about.
I feel like I made a trade off, I stopped caring so much about things and let go, and it lowered my life anxiety tremendously. I feel like I overcompensated though, now there are things I don't care enough about.
Sorry to read you are in that dilemma vj.
That is precisely why I actually fear "letting go" of things.
I dread the thought of going too far the other way and becoming one of those people that hardly care at all.

I don't trust myself to find the right balance! :eek:h:


Well-known member
I think that when you say you would rather not be so intelligent in exchange for no anxiety you are contradicting yourself in a way. There is an aspect to mental health that is clearly related to intelligence. Often people get ill due to unrealistic and I may even say stupid paradigms. It is not always the case, of course.

What would I give to get rid of my negative emotions? I would give up my identity. I'm just working myself up to it.