What would life be like without HH?


I like to think that HH doesn't stop me from doing a whole lot, (e.g. I'm at uni, live independently, have some great friends etc and and am generally a happy person) but in reality it does. Like others have said being able to wear certain clothes and shoes and do certain things, e.g. I would really love to learn ballroom dancing- would be amazing. But on a deeper level I wouldn't have to hide behind this condition anymore, I dont know who I am without HH. Also I feel I can't be open about it or talk about it to anyone (none of my friends know about it) so therefore even I can only get so close to people and thats it. I also have never had a boyfriend and I am 24- there have been chances but I just havent taken them.

It is really hard to think about life without HH, having tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat.


Well-known member
I think for me, I wouldn't be so limited to just black or dark tops. You may think it's only minor but it really restricts what you can wear and thus restricts you and your personality.

Would love to wear white tops but can't as they just turn a gross yellow from the sweat.

Also, I could get close/closer to more people (particularly girls/girlfriends) and be a lot more comfortable with myself and others thus increasing confidence and doing more things without the concern of being embarrassed from the sweat.

Don't get me wrong, my HH isn't as severe as some people on this site, but I just wonder where life would have taken me without HH. A lot more opportunities would have been presented and accepted. I'm content with my life to a certain extent (as much as you can living with HH), but I just think the quality of life would be vastly improved.


Active member
I wouldn't be spending my Friday nights alone on a PC doing programming work. I'd save that for Saturday nights.