What was your method for getting new friends?


Well-known member
My life is looking a bit like a black hole at this point. I'm not happy about it.
I know that I need to change.
My main problem is a lack of any sort of social life. For the most part, I actually enjoy staying home. But, I do find that I'm lonely lots of the time.

I have two real friends. One of which I see every few weeks when our schedules permit. The other I see much less frequently as she lives out of town. But she's still a very good friend.
Other than that I don't speak to anyone that isn't family.

I would like to get out and meet people...if only just for the experience. I missed the boat when it comes to staying on campus for university and going to bars/clubs. I'd like to experience my own version of that. My own...well-behaved version of that. haha.

So I'm wondering how you went about making new friends...assuming there are some of you out there who have managed to make new friends! How did you do it? I know that some people get drunk and go to bars. Feel free to elaborate, I'm interested! But I'm not sure I'd ever be able to drag myself into a bar drunk or not! At least not by myself. But anyway, please explain how you were able to make friends because I need to learn. :)


Well-known member
Well, I can tell you about a million things that don't work... but the norm on campus seems to be talking before/after class in addition to any events or parties.


Well-known member
Haven't gone to college, but I made all my friends when they talked to me first. Of course, I didn't have SA until I was 15-16 (can't remember the exact age, I was too drunk), so I already had quite a few friends. But I lost a lot of them, or at least their time and respect. So I had to make more.

I technically talked to my boyfriend first. But I was drunk and asking random strangers in PE if they had any booze, and he absolutely hates alcohol, so he had no reason to ask me out a couple weeks later. When I was drunk again. And I befriended most of his friends when I was high after being a total **** to them for a couple months first. They didn't seem to mind.

I dunno the point of typing all that. I'm half-asleep. I guess my only advice is 1: Let them talk to you first over some shared interest or something, 2: Don't drink, you'll lose more friends than you'll gain, 3: If you're gonna do any kind of drug to try making friends, smoke weed, because it made me a lot more social, and 4: Pick people who are a year or two younger than you.


Well-known member
making friends is hard, and i also don't really know how to do it.
sometimes i can push myself to talk to someone, but than i end up pushing them away when they want to get closer with me.

but i have a close relationship with one person, my boyfriend.
i met him on the internet, and we talkend almost every day on facebook for 3 months before we actuelly met each other in real life. that really helped me because i already knew him quite well, and he knew me too. i was incredibly nervous, but at the end, i could form a close relationship with him.:)