What to say?


New member
I have noticed an attractive female a few times while walking to my car after work. She usually smiles, says hi, and quickly looks away as we pass. I want to talk to her, but I can't figure out what to say. Any suggestions would be great.


Well-known member
It's a bit difficult but you can start by saying: hello, how are you? and as you are meeting her more and more you can try to add more things. It will be slow but the earth was not created in one day.


New member
Try to be observant. What kind of car does she drive? Is she wearing a ring to indicate she's married or a boyfriend? What is the weather like? Anything big going on at work? These are all some of the topic you might be able to mention.

My therapist told me when I'm in a situation like this, try not to think of her as a potential girlfriend, but more like just a friend. By the way, it hasn't helped me much yet. LOL


New member
Shaffer is correct. This will relieve you of any pressure.

Talk to he as if she was your sister. Don't force the action, stay relaxed, and enjoy the journey.

Whatever happens, happens.

Good luck! :)


Well-known member
Haughton said:
I have noticed an attractive female a few times while walking to my car after work. She usually smiles, says hi, and quickly looks away as we pass. I want to talk to her, but I can't figure out what to say. Any suggestions would be great.

"Hi -- since I've seen you here a few times, I assume you work around here, too. Do you happen to know if there is a good ___________ in the area?"

Fill in the blank with something you are willing to follow up on -- like Greek restaurant, shoe repair shop, book store, something like that. Try to pick something you think (or already know) is in the area, so she is more likely to be able to give an affirmative answer. You may have an extended conversation right there. If not, go to such a place (either the one she tells you or one you find on your own), then when you next see her, tell her about that. "Hello again -- I went to that _____ place you mentioned -- or -- I did end up finding a ____ in the neigbhorhood; it was good [or awful or interesting or something to manufacture at least a few minutes of conversation]."

If this doesn't work, well no one got hurt, right? Maybe she isn't comfortable talking to strangers in parking lots. If it does work, please try to find something else to talk about as soon as you can (read any good books or seen any good movies lately?). Don't become the guy who only brings up that time you asked her about whether there were any _____ in the area. Hope this helps.


New member
Haughton said:
I have noticed an attractive female a few times while walking to my car after work. She usually smiles, says hi, and quickly looks away as we pass. I want to talk to her, but I can't figure out what to say. Any suggestions would be great.

well i'm a girl so i can try to help u. i would walk over and say hello, and invite her to a movie or something. i mean the worst that could happen is that she would say no. but u never kno til u ask.


Well-known member
ShyGirl101 said:
well i'm a girl so i can try to help u. i would walk over and say hello, and invite her to a movie or something. i mean the worst that could happen is that she would say no. but u never kno til u ask.

Actually I think something worse that could happen is she says yes, you go out, immediately realise you have nothing in common and don't like each other at all, spend several torturous hours together just getting through the night, and then finally have to deal with the awkwardness of seeing her at work.

I guess most people would take that risk and even if it did happen would just put up with it. For some reason I find being in a social situation where I'm extremely bored or uncomfortable to be so unpleasant that I'll avoid it at all costs. I just wish I could find a way of tolerating the bad times better.


Well-known member
ShyGirl101 said:
Haughton said:
I have noticed an attractive female a few times while walking to my car after work. She usually smiles, says hi, and quickly looks away as we pass. I want to talk to her, but I can't figure out what to say. Any suggestions would be great.

well i'm a girl so i can try to help u. i would walk over and say hello, and invite her to a movie or something. i mean the worst that could happen is that she would say no. but u never kno til u ask.

I wouldn't invite someone whom i haven't talked with or know to a movie, i think that's too forward and maybe intimidating, esp since from the sound of this girl's demeanor she doesn't seem the forward type. I would try talk to her first, small chat. Also a good way to tell whether there's a hint she likes you or not is from small chat first in case she doesn't and you 'suffer' more in the movie theatre and afterwards.


Well-known member
ShyGirl101 said:
Haughton said:
I have noticed an attractive female a few times while walking to my car after work. She usually smiles, says hi, and quickly looks away as we pass. I want to talk to her, but I can't figure out what to say. Any suggestions would be great.

well i'm a girl so i can try to help u. i would walk over and say hello, and invite her to a movie or something. i mean the worst that could happen is that she would say no. but u never kno til u ask.

SnyGirl101 basically has it. :!:
When u say HI!, see if you can get this girl to make eye contract and exchange warm smiles. The next time u see her say something like "HI,
STUNNING". The next time u see her, tell her shes the most adorable woman you've ever seen and ask her if you can take her to dinner. If she says okay then introduce yourself and exchange phone numbers.
If a girl is interested in u, then u should be able to get a date in 10 words or less!!
If shes not interested, for what ever reason, then move on an forget it... more words won't matter.
Rememer, even if a girl turns u down, that does not means she hates u. She may have other reasons that have noting to do with u. Even if a girl turns u down for a date, u may infact make her feel good. She may be flattered by your attempt, but has reasons for saying NO that are not your problem