hmm, yehinteresting, but i think whast people need to know is anxiety is not a retardation of the brain. social phobia is a phobia, like being afraid of spiders, phobia, the one reason its taken so seriosly is genraly a speacies shouldnt be afraid of its own speacies (hypertheticly) so when u have a phobia which affects your life as much as social phobia, these are phobia which r taken emensly seriously. even in personaility disorders, not all r put into nutt homes inless proven dangerous to them selves or others.
a basic example of what a personilty disorder is:
say there is 5 elements that make up personality all differnt
ok now someone with a personality disorder (avoident in this care)
.scared to make jokes due to bein scared of bein judged
.scared to be kind, being taken advantage off
.not supportive incase gets let down
.no enphasis becasue believes no one cares about anybody
.bold will not even come under the section
see how a personality disorder is made up? thats the main differnce between Avpd and SP. the fact the avoidence is due personailty where aviodence is the personilty, or more rules the personality. and not by exssesive fear, even tho thats a syptom of AvPd. also people with AvPd have alot more paranioa,a nd r much more intovert. i suggest checking out an AvPD forum, its quite interesting and you cna learn more by reading people post than any text book