What should I do?


Well-known member
I'm 17 and I have social anxiety, to the point where I talk to almost nobody, I barely even talk to my family anymore.

I don't really know what to do, maybe medication would help? But I don't know how to go about getting prescribed anything.


The average anti-depressant isnt gonna make you more talkative tho it may help your anxiety. The only drugs that are really gonna make you talk more are stimulants like Ritalin, Adderall etc.


Well-known member
Well I get anxiety too, just not to the point where I have anxiety attacks or whatever. And what do I do? Just tell my doctor I have social anxiety?


You're doc will most likely refer you to a psychologist. If they think you should take meds for you're anxiety, they'll send you to a psychiatrist to get some. That simple, but it sucks having to talk about your life to strangers.

There is no pill that cures anxiety. Most of the work will come from within yourself.



Well-known member
Well about a year ago my dad took me to see a counselor to talk about stuff, but I never said anything there (unless he asked me a question) so after a few weeks I stopped going... So I'm not sure if that would help me, or maybe I should have just try going for a longer time until I'm more comfortable.


You probably just need to be more open and tell them what's really bothering you. If you've got a good counselor, you'll get the help you need. Just be honest. He's not there to judge you, but to help you in any way that he knows how. You sound like you need to talk to someone, so I'd give it another shot if I were you. As long as you voice you concerns, he'll lead you in the right direction. It's going to take time, but this kind of thing always does. Hang in there, and I hope you find the help you need.
