what should i do?


This is my last year of highschool and i still have not made any friends,not one becuase of s.a.d. I find it verry hard to talk or look at people.I rather lose $100 than to ask someone a question. i guess im just tired of being like this.i will do almost anything to be normal this year drugs, drinking, pills,marijuana,meds,try to impress people ect.im making 19 and have'nt had a friend since 14 this is beyond will power and a mind thing.

what would help me to be more social? have anything work for you?


Well-known member
I'ts a bad idea to resort to drink and drugs, they will make you worse in the end. Best thing to do is see a dr.


Well-known member
hi, im from the uk, and drugs etc dont impress anyone! and this is comming from someone who lives in a country where nearly everyone is a pisshead, and it still dont impress no one, and i know the US look down on it even more so.
also recluse is right, the last thing your frame of mind needs is something like that! the mind is a valuable thing, and although you might have SA effecting ur judgements at times, nothings gonna make others areas of ur mind decline more than drugs. my problems started because of drugs, i was never SA, and niether am i now. but i did go through a patch of extrema paranoia which made me no want to talk to people etc.

but what helped me was finding some self reassurence, finding what i loved about me, and accepting myself regardless. i know i sound like some sorta 'love the world' geek lol but its true that when you love yourself, its so much easier to deal with everything else, because ur your own best mate, and ur stick up for uself, forgive urself and put urself above everything else. and u realise, that if you let other people determine how ur gonna feel on a daily basis, then u will be al over the place, and how u feel with be unpredictable.

your young, like i am. learn to love urself and enjoy yaself and yeh start with seeing a dr to get u on the right path.